The Tournament Invasion

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In the morning, David told his father, Sokka, saying, "Father, I heard on the radio that

Amon and his gang are going to attack the Tournament, if I participated tonight." Sokka didn't

want anything to happen to his son and didn't want him to go back to the Tournament to fight

again, but he knew that it was important for his training, so he ask Toph saying, "Toph can I

speak with you for a moment, "Fine, what is it?" said Toph. "David is playing in the Tournament

again and I don't want to see him to get hurt," said Sokka. "Don't worry I'll keep an eye on your

son during the Tournament," said Toph, "But I don't want you to get hurt as well," said Sokka, "I

know what I'm doing, besides your son is also the son of Republic City rightful leader, Victoria,

and as police chief I would do anything to protect her and her son," said Toph. "In that case I'm

going to be by your side during the match, said Sokka, "You don't need to babysit me," said

Toph, "It's for David, I want to make sure he's safe," said Sokka. "Do it what you want, it's not

like I've been able to stop you before!" said Toph while walking away until David came. "Excuse

me Aunt Toph, I mean Chief Aunt Toph, I wanted to thank you for your help it's really...," said

David which Toph left the room very upset and not listening to David. "What is her deal, even

though she's on my mother's side and mine, she's against me. What did mom do to make her

friend hate me?" said David. "It's not about you or your mother, besides she and Tori are still

friends, it's about me and her during our youth," said Sokka, "Wait that makes sense, you and

Toph. Toph and you. You two were a couple," said David, "What, were did get you that idea

from," ask Sokka, "Toph's husband and daughter, they told me that you use to go out with

someone else before you started to date mom, but I never imagine that it would be Toph that

you use to date." said David, "I suppose, any way it was a long time ago and you shouldn't get

involve with this and shouldn't you be with your cousins getting ready to fight," said Sokka. "OK,

see you at the arena, broken heart men," said David which made Sokka very embarrassed.

When David went to get ready for the Tournament, Sokka went to join Toph to keep an eye on

his son and that he can be friends with her again, which they started to get along and forgave

each other. The fight was going out ok and David and his cousins were winning until Amon and

his gang came to take David and his cousins away and the rest of the Hispanic's who were

watching the show. When Toph, Sokka, and the police try to save them, one of Amon's gang

throw a bomb that made them to sleep. David's pet, Pabu the red panda, came to rescue him

and his cousin's David told Pabu to cut the rope in animal language, "Stop fooling around," said

Mako, "I'm not fooling around, I'm trying to make Pabu to save us," said David. Pabu

understood what David was trying to say and started to cut the rope. "Who taught you how to

speak in animal language," ask Bolin, "My mother taught me before she went missing," said

David. When they were free they went to stop Amon and his gang, but notice that they've left

and kidnap the Hispanic's. When the inspector came to investigate, he told John Adam's, Jr.

that the Tournament has to be closed and that they have to live somewhere else. When David

heard that his cousin's, Uncle and Aunt have to live somewhere else, he ask his father saying,

"Father can we let Aunt Kitara, Uncle John, Mako and Bolin live with us, after all they are our

family," "Alright then, John told me that he and his family had found a place to stay during the

night so you can ask them tomorrow, and we should probably go home by now it's getting

late," said Sokka, "Ok then," said David. While they were walking, Sokka ask David saying, "Son,

can I ask you something," "Sure," said David, "Are you afraid of Amon," said Sokka, "What, I'm

not afraid of anything, especially Amon," said David, "Look I know you hate him but I have

notice that you were acting different," said Sokka, "Look I don't have time to argue! I'll just go

back home in another way," said David while running away, Sokka try to stop him, but couldn't

find him so he went to look for him. When David was trying to figure out away to get back

home, he suddenly bump into Amon. David told him saying, "Amon, I am not afraid of you, I will

destroy you for what you are trying to do to my mother's people who are also my people," and

try to stop him but fail. When Amon grabbed him, he told him saying, "Listen closely, if you

keep on trying to stop me and protecting your mother's people, I will take you away from your

family, but I'll keep you for last, besides I have work to do." When Amon left David conscious in

the floor, David started to see half of the vision of his mother past. When Sokka saw David on

the floor, he thought he was dead and try to wake him up. "David, David wake up (David starts

to wake up) are you OK, what happened, was Amon here," said Sokka, "Yeah he ambushed me,

but I'm OK now," replied David not being happy. "Oh thank goodness," said Sokka in relief then

David started to cry, "Oh man you were right, I am afraid of Amon, I felt so helpless, I've never

felt like this before and I don't know what to do," said David in complete sadness. Sokka

comfort David with a hug and said to him, "It's all right David, you'll overcome your fear one

day." "Father, I saw mom," said David, "What where did you saw her," said Sokka, "I saw her in

a vision, but she looks really young and I don't know what it means," said David. That's when

Sokka realize that God is trying to tell David the truth, so he told David saying, "David, I want

you to pray and ask God, because I believe He is trying to tell you," "Like what?" said David, "I

don't know, but we'll figure out soon, come on lets head home and clean you up," said Sokka

while helping David to get up. When David was fast asleep, Sokka started think that the vision

that David saw was the real reason of Amon's attack, and why Victoria has been missing. So, he

askToph to make sure that the police are alert of any trouble.

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