He Just Needed Someone To Be There For Him

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Draco's POV|3rd Person|8th Year

He was truly and utterly broken.

No amount of Malfoy pride could get him out of this mess.

He was constantly picked on, bullied, threatened, punched, kicked and many more torturous things. Once someone even used a Croatious curse and nobody offered to help him or take him to the hospital wing, so he was collapsed in an abandoned hallway for hours until he could muster up the energy to make his way to the dormitories and into his bed. 

It continued for a few months, more than thrice a day. But he pushed through, a set of glistening green orbs was helping him through this..... time in his life. He loved that boy with his stupid green eyes and beautiful, cocky smile that always seemed to have a mischievous hint to it. But the one thing he hated was that after the war he seemed completely un-phased from what had happened, like as soon as Voldi- He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named was killed suddenly he was fine and so was everyone else. Except Draco of coarse

One other thing is that Draco hadn't even seen the boy since the war and he probably hated him, and those kind of thoughts were what sent him down his suicidal spiral. But Pansy was always there to cheer him up. Always.

Though he knew this boy could never like him back, he still clung onto this hope that maybe, just maybe, a sliver of this boys heart belonged to Draco, because it was the only thing keeping him alive, literally.




Draco woke up with a tear-stained pillow without even realising that he had cried himself to sleep the night before, he guessed he was just used to the feeling that any others would feel foreign to him.

Draco sat up and looked at his watch,'7:34' He thought 'usually Pansy is in here with my breakfast roll around now, eh I probably don't need it, that would be greedy' 

Pansy was one of these people that if you get to know her for 5 minutes then she wouldn't leave your side for a month, now imagine over seven years of this, she was practically inseparable from him, they were like brother and sister. I mean they kissed once and that was to figure out if they were straight or not. They weren't. Weren't.

As if on cue, Pansy burst through the door,

"Hey Drake, you okay? I got you your roll, are you hungry? I'm sorry I'm late-" She rambled, she was cut off by a tired, but soft, voice "Hey, Hey, Hey its Fine, I'm...Fine" He reached out and she passed the roll into his unnaturally skinny, pale hands.

"Thanks by the way" Pansy smiled "You know Drake you really should come to the great hall it would be a lot better for your health and be a bit more interesting than being cooped up in your room all day-" She was cut off once again

"Pansy we have already gone over this 1000 times already!" Draco Warned, "I know but Drake it would be so much better for you!" She whined

"And what would I achieve from that, My 'health' would do anything but 'Get Fucking better'" By now tears were blurring his vision slightly,

"Pansy do you not understand, the more I go outside the more cuts and bruises and broken limbs I get, if anything my health would just completely plummet, okay I would be closer to death than life the second I walk through that door, what is there not to understand?" Now tears were falling

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2020 ⏰

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