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We got home that night and we left to go get some food and just chill. I saw paparazzi at the club across the street so we went out the back to avoid that whole situation. We started walking down this alley talking. 

Rook:*smiles* I feel like somehow you planned that

Me:*Smiles* I kinda did


Me:I knew cols presence would irritate him and me testifying would send him over the edge

Rook:How did you know?

Me:Cause he did an interview tmz and played the race card

They all cooed in agreement of annoyance. 

Dre:*smiles* You worried about the reprucussions?



I looked infront of us and saw Aaron, with a knife in his hand. I looked around for a moment then at him. 

Aaron:*smiles* Hey baby

He looked crazy, he lunged at cols and I dropped my food pulling a gun from my bag and I pulled the trigger the sound being captured in the silencer and his body hit the ground. 

Dre:Well goddamn

I put it back in my bag and looked at him, we didn't stick around for long as we went home. 

The Next Day

I woke up today was my appointment to see if he flipped back over. I went downstairs and into the kitchen where Dre,slim and Dub were and Megan was also. 

Megan:Hey so the women's convention is at 2 until 8 and your speech is at 3


I ate breakfast and then went upstairs and got dressed and we left to my appointment. I laid down and the doctor put the jelly on my belly and moved the probe around. 

Douglas:He is flipped

Me:*smiles* he is?

Douglas:Yeah his head is by your uterus

Me:*sighs* Thank god

We got home and I started getting ready for this event. I had my natural hair styled and I got my make up done and I pulled on the outfit below 

 I had my natural hair styled and I got my make up done and I pulled on the outfit below 

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I put on my heels and the guys got ready as did casie cause she wanted to come as well. So we all left to this event and in the first hour I met a lot of girls and women and men as well who loved and supported this event. Then everyone sat down and the host went on stage. 

Host:*smiles* Thank you all for coming and welcome to the 20th annuel women's convention and please give a warm welcome to our first speaker Keisha Love

Everyone clapped and I walked up the steps and she gave me the mic which I held as I stood on the stage looking at everyone. 

Me:*smiles* Thank you

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