A Hero's journey never ends

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Percy POV

It had been about 18 months since End has been defeated. Things were... complicated to say the least.

Annabeth and Reyna had been spared from their executions. While Hassan and I had forgiven them, due to our own feelings as well as for the sake of doing the right thing; we were both hesitant to fully trust them again. Despite being married and crowned king and queen in a ceremony a few days after they were made immortal, only a few weeks later, Hassan immediately embarked on a secret quest, promising to explain why when he got back. Reyna tried to take up a leadership role at the Roman camp once again; but her old authority was greatly tainted and she was struggling to win it back.

Annabeth and I weren't exactly on the same wavelength either, I was so scared of her having another mental breakdown that I was excessively gentle with her in tone and action, she called me out for acting more like a parent than a partner and we now largely avoided speaking on the subject; She remained at camp while I had returned home after the war to lead Chaos's forces. The defeat of End had left a power vacuum, I led the efforts to mop up the stragglers and secure peace treaties across the planets. I barely visited Earth at all, Annabeth and I had a weekly iris message call; which was mostly small talk and avoiding eye contact.

It seemed quite funny, I had to admit to myself. Two heroes who saved the world from the largest threat so far; struggling more with their romantic engagements in the peacetime period then they did with the previous war. At least the others were doing well.

Luke and Zoe had gotten married and moved to the world I'd lived in while serving Chaos before moving back to earth. Partly to lead in my stead and partly as they'd grown used to life there. I missed them dearly but I managed to see them at least once every few months between missions.

Frank and Hazel had moved to the Roman camp, they were giving their relationship another go and I hadn't seen Hazel so happy since the days of the Argo 2. Frank was the new leader of the Camp and tried to reintroduce Reyna into the fold, but efforts so far were unsuccessful.

Nico had spoken to me after the war, confessing he used to have feelings for me and that now he was ready to pursue a relationship of his own. He'd then begun a relationship with Will Solangelo, a real unexpected mix of opposing personalities. Nico had left the mercenaries and set up a travelling demigod agency on earth, working in tandem with Hassan to protect and rescue children who were beginning to discover their divine ancestry. Together with Will, Nico trained teams of healers and warriors to venture forth and protect the demigods from lower level threats while the triumvirate of Hassan, Will and Nico himself took on the more dangerous missions.

Luckily I still had some old friends to keep me company, Leo and Calyspo has stayed on with me while Jason and Piper had joined, seemingly to make amends and I wasn't expecting them to be permanent members. While Frank and Annabeth
had been bewitched, these two betrayed me of their own free will; while I had to let go of my anger during the battle with End, it still came back occasionally in flashes and I was a harsh teacher to them.

It was as I was instructing them in combat training that I received a visit from my father Poseidon. After the war we'd had a big talk and our relationship was now closer than ever; We had dinner together each week at his palace as he was determined to catch up on any time lost.

"Perseus!" Father smiled gleefully as he arrived and clasped my shoulder.

"Hi dad, what's happening?" I asked.

"I wanted to ask for your help, There's been a problem with the tides recently and the ocean floor itself trembles. Oceanus is not responsible nor are any other water beings, so I was hoping you would come investigate with me?"

"Of course, I'd be happy to." I replied.

I then signalled for Leo and Calypso to take over Jason and Piper's training as I stood next to my father. He slammed his trident into the ground and there was a flash of brilliant blue light; when I opened my eyes I saw myself in front of Poseidon's underwater palace.

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