Geniuses Galore

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Hassan POV


I collapsed onto my bed exhausted. When I undertook the mission it seemed simple; recruit all the geniuses across history and get them to build an interstellar ship as large as a city and strong enough to fly into the sun. Maybe a tough endeavour; but with everyone's help, certainly achievable right?...

It was rare for there to be even 5 minutes unfettered during a presentation of a proposed idea,  before someone else took issue with it and the arguments broke out. No one could agree with anyone on anything, each individual seeing themselves as the "destined hero" meant to come up with that one genius idea to save us all. Cooperation was largely absent, no one wished to work together for fear it would tarnish their reputation. While a few recognised the greater magnitude of the threat we faced and tried to rally everyone together; their voices were often drowned out.

If that wasn't bad enough; it turns out the Apex manuscript didn't have the imagined effect either. While it gave me access to all of humanity and thus the "esteemed geniuses" knowledge, I was still limited by my human capabilities.  As I was only one person, the task of building the ship was split into two, one side developing the ship and the other (aka me) making a weapon strong enough to damage the mysterious entity within the sun. So while I was able to submit a daily progress report with my progress on the weapon; the daily report I got in turn was who said which insult to whom and whom threatened to discredit the other's life's work.

Honestly I was going to need some help here, if these pompous oafs didn't have a leader to pull them all together soon all would be lost. As I lay on my bed, staring up at the ceiling, the right candidate popped into my mind. "Yes... that's it! She'll fix everything!" I pulled myself to my feet and grabbed a drachma from my wallet, I then headed into the bathroom and filled the sink. "Show me Perseus Jackson please Lady Iris". I asked, bowing my head as a mark of respect.

I then turned out the lights in the room as the coin began to shake and the water turned cyan blue as a picture began to appear.

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