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"So do you have a boyfriend ?" Dhruv asked.

Did he just ask me that ?
Oh my gawwd. Am gonna faint.

Am I being over dramatic ? Okay so if you think so then what are my friends doing right now ?

Varun just spilled the water he just drank and Chetna and Kabiri were looking at both of us as if we are monsters.

I so knew Kabir and Varun are gonna kill Dhruv if he tries to cross his limits but here he was just being friendly.

We are so over dramatic !! Phewww

"Umm no. And you ?" I replied.

"Still single !" He said smiling and I replied with a slight nod.

The rest of the journey was a blur. I was really tired from all the packing and traveling that I slept.

"Divs get up we are here." Chetna said.
So here we are !! Netherlands !! My dream trip. No wonder why I love this place so much. It's one of the most beautiful and safest places in the world.

And a trip with bestfriends can make a place even more beautiful and exciting.

We all got up after the flight landed.

"So this is it then ? Hope we meet up soon. Next time may be ? " Dhruv said.

"Yup. It was nice meeting you. Good luck for your tournament." I said smiling. He's a really nice guy.

"Thank you. And best wishes to you too." Saying this he forwarded his hand for a handshake and we shook our hands.

After coming out of the airport, the guy who came to help us from the academy (I got to know he's name is Raghav) had already arranged cabs for us and helped us to reach our hotels.

I, Chetna and Varun in one cab and Riya, Kabir and Raghav in the other. We got into our taxis and our drive to the hotel was silent.

For sometime my mind drifted off from the thoughts of Liam.
I was lost in the views of this beautiful place.

The greenery everywhere, the well planned city, the well equipped traffic system, the people, the shops, the craft and decor. Everything was so perfect and beautiful.

Being the nerd I am, I wanted to know more and more about this beautiful city. I took out my phone and started surfing about Delft.

Delft, a canal-ringed city in the western Netherlands, is known as the manufacturing base for Delftware, hand-painted blue-and-white pottery

Until the 17th century Delft was one of the major cities of the then county of Holland. In 1400, for example, the city had 6,500 inhabitants, making it the third largest city after Dordrecht (8,000) and Haarlem (7,000). In 1560, Amsterdam, with 28,000 inhabitants, had become the largest city, followed by Delft, Leiden and Haarlem, which each had around 14,000 inhabitants.

Wow dude ! This place is incredible.
It was a part of Holland. Wow that's a beautiful place.

Wait ?

What ?

Holland ?

Ohh gawwd.

Why do I always land up like this ? I didn't really wanna think about Liam again and eventually destroy my mood. I wanted to have fun here with my friends and just enjoy. Why can't I just remove his thoughts from my mind ?

He was the one ! The one who broke our friendship ! Who left me ! I am at no fault here !! So why do I have to suffer ?

I really don't know why I get so attached to people. People say that is my strength but I consider it my biggest weakness.

ONCE UPON A TIME IN WATTPAD♥️Where stories live. Discover now