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dracomalfoy : you left your tie on my bed table

harryjpotter : yeah I'll come and get it tonight

dracomalfoy : might as well sleep here

harryjpotter : you're right, I might as well

dracomalfoy : anyway
dracomalfoy : I and my mom have spoken..

harryjpotter : yes?

dracomalfoy : father's going to Azkaban.

harryjpotter : no way, what for?

dracomalfoy : he wanted to continue doing what Voldemort was doing,
dracomalfoy : for threatening another person, who was Severus,
dracomalfoy : for many murders he's commited,
dracomalfoy : for using imperious on Cedric
dracomalfoy : and so on... one that made me really upset
dracomalfoy : for possession, use and selling of Amiritoin

harryjpotter : you're joking

dracomalfoy : I wish I were
dracomalfoy : when he looked like he didn't sleep for months I thought it was his mental health...
dracomalfoy : to think he was taking drugs all along

harryjpotter : I know, Draco

dracomalfoy : please come right after dinner?

harryjpotter : you won't be there?

dracomalfoy : no, I'm going to get ready

harryjpotter : why?

dracomalfoy : we're going to go to Saint Tropez

harryjpotter : out of nowhere?

dracomalfoy : I'm taking mom and you out for a dinner
dracomalfoy : I have designed a suit for you
dracomalfoy : I'd be pleased if you wore it tonight
dracomalfoy : also keep a bag with you and have swimming trunks with you
dracomalfoy : we're going to the sea as well

harryjpotter : yes, sir

dracomalfoy : call me that again and I'm not taking responsibility for my actions

harryjpotter : sorry, Draco
harryjpotter : I'll get ready

dracomalfoy : yes, do so
dracomalfoy : bon apetít, Potter

harryjpotter : I wish you were eating at our table again
harryjpotter : miss your remarks

dracomalfoy : don't worry
dracomalfoy : you'll be hearing them soon again

harryjpotter : I hope so

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