The False Hero: Prologue

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The town stood silent as it always did during the nights, a stark contrast to the lively city during the day. All the shops closed around dusk, farmers moved their tools into their sheds, and the people retreated to their houses to avoid the freezing winds that were common at this time of year. While the season of Fyriz brings temperatures that could melt metal into a pool of molten liquid, the nights were always cold. Plants would freeze and die-if they had not wilted from the extreme heat- and people would pass out in such harsh conditions. Fyriz is the most deadly out of the seasons; those who own farms having prepared for months in order to survive the ordeal. It is infamously known as the Season of death, as more parish under its name than other seasons. Kavi stared through the window, watching as ice encased the village. He could feel the cold's embrace from within the city hall, and growled at the thought. The first few days of Fyriz were always the hardest, and as the village leader, it was his job to make sure his town survives this season. The last leader failed to do this task, nearly a third of the village was wiped out because of his incompetence. Sighing, he turned back towards his advisers who stayed huddled near the blazen. The fire cracked softly within it, keeping the room warm enough to bare. The meeting room was old, nearly primitive. With cracked wood and ragged carpet, he wished he could replace it but knew it was a waste of coin to do so. Even the blazen was giving out, the longer it stayed on the more likely it was to become a fire hazard.

"Come on Kavi , don't be like that" said the grand advisor Ryloth who noticed Kavi 's somber expression. He was an elderly wolf who came from the durant woods years ago and has been serving the village for many years. Kavi respected the elder, after all his judgement has saved the village many times. He was wise and the only advisor Kavi trusted. However, the other advisors worry about the wolf"s age, fearing he is far too old to continue. Countless times the other advisors had attempted to remove him from his position, to no avail of course. He merely dismisses them, saying "There is wisdom with age". Receding from the window, Kavi took his place at the rundown table that stood in the middle of the room. He glanced at his fur, the once vibrant yellow has become matted and bleached. He had not had the time to wash himself, the preparations for Fyriz had him at his wits end for the past few weeks. He surveyed his council. Ryloth was positioned on the opposite side of the room, next to him sat a young vixen, Yiva, who was occupied brushing her tail. The golden fur shined brightly, clearing showing she was well kept and took good care of herself. On the other side of her was the newest advisor. Kavi frowned as he watched the new advisor, cursing under his breath.

"Excuse me, but I don't believe I ever caught your name" he asked as politely as he could. When the man did not respond, Ryloth turned towards the mysterious figure.

"The leader has asked you a question, it would not be wise to ignore it." he said, polite but condescending. Still, the man made no response, merely shaking his head. How this man managed to become an advisor was beyond Kavi .

"Wouldn't it also be wise to know the name of all your advisors before ordering a meeting?" Yiva sneered, flashing a smug look towards Kavi , who paid no attention to this comment. "Perhaps he is nervous. Regardless, we have other problems." Ryloth said, trying to steer the conversation to the problem at hand. "Yes of course. Yiva, have the farmers confirmed the amount of food we have stored?"


Her answer was quick, but soft. Kavi could tell something was wrong, and if it was bringing her down he knew it was something serious. "Do we have enough to survive Fyriz?" He asked carefully. She placed her brush on the table and lowered her tail, sitting straight in her chair. Even though Yiva was typically rude and sarcastic, taking the chance to mock anyone when she has the chance, Kavi respected her as an advisor. She has yet to gain his trust as Ryloth has, but she still keeps the village in order.

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