The False Hero: Chapter 3

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Team Storm

By Raymora Mayven

The three intruders looked at Raymora, studying him with great interest, as Raymora was still recovering from being startled, making no attempts to stand. They didn't seem hostile, of course they still took precautionary measures by keeping a safe distance with their blades drawn. He watched as the vixen who scared him took position next to the other fox. They were very similar in many ways, she did have a tail unlike the other him though. There was something Raymora found interesting; she didn't make any noise when walking. No sound from her steps, like she wasn't moving at all. That explains how she managed to sneak up on him, it was impossible to hear her approach. It helps that she didn't use footwear of any kind.

Raymora didn't attempt to stand, he figured the best thing was to remain calm and resolve this without violence. He managed his best smile and adjusted himself so he was sitting up right.

"Beautiful place, isn't it?" He wasn't exactly scared, they haven't shown any signs of hostile intentions at the very least. The wolf looked at him, not amused by his attempt at conversation and approached Raymore, keeping his axe close to him. The two foxes stayed close behind him, with the male standing ahead of the female. Still, they kept their distance from the wolf.

"What are you doing here? We were told no one else would be here" He asked, inching his axe towards Raymora's neck. Now Ray was starting to feel scared, he has never been held at blade point before. Few years ago, when he was still in the military, he was taught how to deal with this situation. Yet, he couldn't remember anything important, typical of him to forget things at the most dire of moments. He only had his instinct to go off, and that just told him to comply.

"Just admiring the view, nothing else" he gasped, watching the axe that loomed over his neck. He wasn't lying, after all that was the truth anyways.

"Quite the view indeed, especially those gems" remarked the vulpus who was counting every gemstone he could see with a pleasant smile. He carefully made his way around the water, staying at least ten feet from it at all time, and touched one of the larger gems. "Imagine how much coin people would pay for these," he said, running his paw across the crystal.

The wolf turned towards the fox, and called him away from the gem. At first, the fox didn't seem to hear him, but after the third attempt, the wolf shouted with clear authority "Lupin get your tailless butt over here now. We still don't know how dangerous this place is." It was clear that the wolf was the leader of the group as he took the front and they others seemed to respect his command. The fox, which Raymora assumed to be Lupin, took one last look at the crystal and sighed.

Meanwhile Raymora stayed motionless, he didn't want to make any sudden movements in fear of the blade that loomed over him. "Phares search him,"commanded the wolf addressing the vixen. She simply nodded her head and quickly dashed towards Raymora. The speed of her movement was impressive, as well as her ability to hide her footsteps. When she was upon him, she surveyed him quickly and immediately reached down and snatched something from his belt. He couldn't figure out what she took, it happened so fast it seemed impossible for her to have stolen anything from him. Nevertheless, the truth was clear when she tossed his knife to Lupin, who twirled it in between his paw. He examined the blade, running his paws across its blade as well as swinging it through the air.

After a few moments, he tossed it to the wolf and explained, "This is a guild's forged blade, see the marking?" The wolf caught the dagger a few feet in front of him, confirming that it was indeed guild forged. "Looks like our friend here is an adventurer", Lupin added, as he crept towards Raymora. "A dragon as well, don't see many of your kind nowadays."

Raymora said nothing, he wasn't sure if he was able to form words as long as he was in blade's reach. The wolf didn't look like he wanted to hurt Raymora, it seemed that holding him here was standard protocol to ensure he wasn't a threat.

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