The False Hero: Chapter 2

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The Sparkling Lake

Raymora got lost in the void of darkness that loomed over him. He wasn't sure what he was thinking about, not that it mattered, for he had finally reached his destination. He could see the faint light, a small hole in the darkness, and cracked a faint smile. He approached the end of the darkness, a calming sensation took over him at the sight of his secret treasure. Every time he visits this place, he is reminded of his first adventure here. It was a complete accident, this cave was supposed to have been mapped out already but he noticed a small place where no one has ever looked. It was the only time Raymora ever felt accomplished as an explorer, inspiring him to continue with his dream. He didn't share it with the guild, mostly out of greed. And he knew that this place wouldn't be discovered anytime soon, no one would expect that in the middle of some dusty cavern would be an underground lake. It was a beautiful sight, the water sparkled against the many gemstones that surrounded this place, creating a natural light show. The rocks around the lake were smooth, worn down from the water, provided a form of tranquility. Even the stalagmite and stalactite sparkled from the light that casted off the gems. Raymora felt calm, happy and peaceful. As of now, there is no place he would rather be.

He approached his usual position near the water's edge, and gazed upon his reflection. Raymora had never been much to look at, average height for a young adult like him. His fur was a light shade of blue, mostly around his body except for his torso, which was a darker tint of white. Most of this was covered by his tunic and pants, his adventuring gear as basic and light-weight, and he only carried a small dagger upon his belt. The gem colored light reflected upon his wings, the transparent glacial wings felt heavy upon his back. He rarely flew, his wings just caused more harm than good. He sometimes finds it funny that he was born a dragon instead of any other race. Raymora was unlike most dragons, he was scared of flying and couldn't use magic. Sometimes, he wished he was born another race, of course most of the time he was proud to be a dragon. This was not one of those times. With a sigh, he let his white-blue tail dip into the water, watching the ripple move through the lake. The water was cold, it reminded him of the water of his village which used magic in order to stay unfrozen. While he doesn't miss his home, he wonders how his family is doing. Are they safe? Do they have enough food? The last time he was in the winterlands was right at the end of Fyriz, the season of death. Other races suffer during Fyriz, yet to the dragons it is merely another cycle. Magic is the center of draconic life, utilizing it leads a rather uneventful Fyriz.

One thing was for sure, Raymora did miss those days. Now, living in the land of Terravis, Fyriz was a matter of survival. It was not easy to adjust to the heat, nor was it easy to follow regulations on food and water. The death season brings the true nature of life to light, the need for survival. After his first Fyriz, one that killed many adventurers, Raymora gained a newfound appreciation for the other races.

Raymora wasn't sure how long he has been down here, his sense of time gets lost within the beauty of the lake. Strangely, something felt different about the cave now. He has always felt like the cave calls him whenever he is nearby, drawing him into the cavern. It was like he had a unique connection to this place, that it was his alone. He wished it would last, after all it wasn't very hidden. He always wondered how no other adventures have stumbled upon his secret. At the very least, the cavern would remain his for now.

Today something was off, Raymora knew that for sure. But what that was, he didn't know. If something was out of place he would have noticed, he has been here so many times to fully memorize its layout. The water was calm, the gems sparkled as they always did. No, something wasn't wrong with the lake, nor the cave. Which means, the only thing that was off was, him? Right now, a strange force seemed to surround him, converging upon his left paw. Intrigued, Ramoyra removed his glove and studied the light blue fur on the back of his paw. There was nothing strange about it, even if he swore it glowed for a split second upon removing the glove.

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