Chapter 1 - Anything Could Happen

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(Amélie is a teenager in this even though she isn't one in the musical I just thought it would be adorable to her marveling at the high school and all the people)

Amélie eagerly stared out of the car window, tracing the buildings with her finger on the glass as they flew past. This was her first day of school..ever. Amélie was going to be in high school, a sophomore. Her father said that it was okay for her to start school. This of course not being a normal school, this was a school for musical characters, of course they didn't know that.

Their car pulled up to the school and Amélie grabbed her red backpack and ran out, her dad yelled, "Slow down!" after her, but she didn't care. She's been dreaming of this day.

Janis Sarkisian walked into school, Damian walking by her side. Usually, she dreads going to school but ever since she and her best friend Cady Heron became girlfriends she started looking forward to going to school, Cady made everything bearable. She reached the school and saw a girl looking around in awe and she thought that the girl must be new here, maybe even new to highschool, Janis remembered the look on Cady's face when she first got to North Shore.

Janis was soon interrupted by someone yelling "BOO!" It was Cady, she does this EVERY morning to try to scare her. Janis didn't budge, "Aww come on, I'm your girlfriend now, you have to at least pretend to be scared." Janis chuckled and ruffled Cady's hair, Cady stuck her tongue out at Janis in retaliation. Janis looked back to where the girl was standing before and noticed she disappeared. She didn't think much of it as the girl probably walked to class, she walked Cady to her first class and went to her first class with Damian, English with Mr. Hamilton.

Mr. Hamilton walked in with bags under his eyes, writing something down, he was always writing. "I have something to say before we start class, don't tell him this, but my son is starting high school today, he's my son, SO please embarrass him if you can." He said with a smirk plastered on his face. Janis thought to herself, "This'll be fun" as she made a paper airplane, but Cady stopped her whispering "He said embarrass him don't be mean" and Janis stuck her tongue out at her girlfriend but decided not to continue with her plan.

The class was boring per usual, Mr. Hamilton went on one of his usual rants about America and everything wrong with it. Cady thinks he would make a good president one day, Janis slightly disagrees mainly because of his attitude.

Then it was Janis's favorite class, ART CLASSS with Mr. Laurens, she would never act that enthusiastic about art class around anyone but in her mind she was ecstatic. Cady joined the art class to support Janis, but she might not be uhhhh the best? "What is that?" Janis asked looking over at Cady's painting. "A cat!" Cady exclaimed as she layered more blue paint onto the canvas. "Why is it blue?" Janis asked. "It's abstract!!!"

Janis continued on her painting when the door of the art room creaked open. Jack Kelly walked in his backpack slung over his shoulder with the new girl Janis noticed before. "Jack, you're late..again," Mr. Laurens sighed, Jack is always late, but Mr. Laurens is too nice to mark him tardy. "I have a pass this time," Jack said pulling out a small blue sheet of paper and handing it to Mr. Laurens. Jack turned to the new girl then back to Mr. Laurens, "I found her in the hallway staring at all the trophies, she says she's supposed to be in this class."

"Hi!" she exclaimed, "I've never seen trophies up close before, my dad keeps his locked in his office. So this is art class? I've never been to an art class. This is amazing," she started walking around, "Look at all the paint! I've never seen so much paint. I have seen a million medical journals though," she laughed.

"Amélie right?" Mr. Laurens asked after a small period of silence. She nodded, "Alright please take a seat. We've been working on our animal projects. We just pick an animal and paint it. It's a good start of the year project before we start working on more complex things. For example, I am painting a turtle." Mr. Laurens loves turtles, Janis rolled her eyes and continued on with her painting. 

[Natalie Goodman - Next To Normal]

Natalie's fingers pressed against the keys, she played until it was perfect. It had to be perfect. As the bell rang, she slung her backpack over her shoulder. She paused before walking out of the music room, a million thoughts swarming her mind. She would see him, she always sees him. Natalie opened the door to see Anya standing there, Anya let out a small smile. "Hey!" Anya said walking alongside Natalie, "Everything okay?" Natalie stopped walking as her eyes landed on Henry. Both of their eyes landed on each other until their eyes met. Natalie glanced away.

"You're lucky you know," Natalie said as she continued to walk, it seemed like time slowed when Henry and her passed each other, "You're a senior, you have a healthy relationship, and absolutely no drama in your life."

"Hey I'm here for you," Anya stated, "Even though life may be bad now, it doesn't mean it's always going to be. I know things are rocky for you and Henry right now, but just keep your head up okay?" Natalie nodded her head, "I'll see you later," Anya waved as she entered her math class.

Keep your head up.

Easier said than done.


[Jack - Newsies]

"Have you ever drank paint water?" Dmitry asked popping a chip in his mouth, Jack just stared blankly at him, "I mean you're always painting so has it ever happened?" Jack sighed, "Too many times to count." Dmitry's face lit up and he started laughing, "You drank paint water?!" Dmitry fell in a seat, his laughter never ceasing.

Jack rolled his eyes, as Dmitry just kept on laughing. Davey put his tray down on the table as Jack asked, "How's Anya?"

Dmitry stopped laughing and smirked, "She's good, excited for homecoming." Crutchie's eyes lit up as homecoming was mentioned, "How are you going to ask her?" Crutchie asked.

"To be honest I have no clue, I'm not good at all that mushy stuff," Dmitry answered. Jack raised an eyebrow and chuckled a bit, "Ohh you want to go paint water boy?"

"No fighting," Davey the mom friend stated without even looking up from his book, Davey knew Dmitry and Jack would never truly fight, no one in their friend group would ever fight each other, no matter how many times they joke about it. Then again anything could happen when it comes to high school boys. 

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