Chapter 6 - Mystery Man

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[Lydia] - Beetlejuice

Lydia was anxiously walking to school with a certain demon that no one could see behind her. "Remember Beej, no killing, no over excessive gore, and for the love of god please don't bring Big Sandy, as much as I love her I want to scare him into not hurting anyone again, not actually scaring him to death."

He replied with "Yeah yeah Lyds I know, just drop those B words on me when you're ready for a real good scare, I'll make this dude do more than just piss his pantaloons" He laughed out loud that honestly sounded like someone with lung cancer had just swallowed gravel. Lydia then punched him in the arm and said "Well I gotta go to school now BJ, I'll see ya later" She waved goodbye to what seemed like air too most. At the entrance she saw Race smoking. "You're really not allowed to smoke on school grounds." Race looked up from the ground and smiled. "You're that goth chick? Right? Did ya get ya friend to do it?" He said, completely ignoring what she had said. "Well not yet, but he agreed to do it later today." Race perked up instantly, "Alright finally! That dude deserves some god damn revenge! Plus I can tell its really stressing Crutchie out, that kids got enough on his mind already, always trying to be positive, it really sucks that this is happenin."

Lydia felt a pang of sympathy, Oscar was like the Regina George of this damn school, and it's time he got hit by something much worse than a bus.


[Jack Kelly] - Newsies

"You're sure this is gonna work?" Jack looked nervously at the goth girl sitting in front of him at lunch, he had a hard time believing some "friend" she mentioned could truly scare Oscar Delancey, it's like she was friends with ghosts or somethin, hah, imagine that.

Lydia nodded, "Trust me Jack I know it may seem like he's not gonna phase him at all, but you just gotta believe me." Jack could see that somewhere in that probably black heart of hers, she actually wanted to help them, and that was the reason he decided to trust her in the first place. "Alright fine, but if he isn't phased then I'm callin this whole thing off." Just then the bell rang and everyone had to get to class.


[Oscar the bitch] - Newsies

Oscar had just finished packing up his gym clothes, the Basketball team had just finished another practice, he was always the last one to leave. When walking out of the boys locker room he saw a familiar short girl. Oh it was her. That bitch. "What the hell are you doing here? How are you even here?" The girl just grinned and replied with, "So Oscar, you think you can just be the top asshole of the school and get away with it?"

Oscar boiled with anger and tried to take a swing at the girl, the girls just like last time dodged it. "No need to get physical Oscar Delancey, there's just one thing we need to set straight but I think a friend of mine could sort that out for you." She smiled widely again. "The hell? You are one weird fuckin chick" Oscar said with the typical jock type vibe. "Beetlejuice." "What the fuck? You some kind of fucking witch? Ha, that'll be a good thing to make no one go near you ever again." Oscar tried to push past her but he seemed to freeze as soon as she again said, "Beetlejuice." "What the fuck!? Bitch what are you trying to do? Some sick prank?! This isn't gonna fucking work you wh*re!" Oscar tried to mask his fear. "...Beetlejuice!" Before he could even scream he saw a man dressed in a black and white suit, green hair with red streaks running through them.

"Hey bub, heard you were trying to dictate a school and tried to punch my bffff forever Lyds, well you messed with the wrong girl kid." Suddenly he was perched over a bridge, Oscar staying by the guy's grip on his neck. "Now look," The man spoke with a gravelly voice and when he did speak his voice dripped venom. "I'm gonna give you a choice" His grip tightened around Oscars neck, "You either never bully ANYONE again, especially not Lyd's or those 'Newsie' friends of hers, or I can come back..And you wouldn't want that would you?" He then looked down at the water signaling Oscar to look down too. 

"Now you gonna play nice?" Oscar tried his best to nod and the strange man just tightened his grip even more, starting to choke Oscar. "Good." He spoke one more time, "And if I hear about you bullying any kid AGAIN? You're. Dead. Fucking. Meat." He tightened his grip one more time before returning to the gym and throwing Oscar on the ground. 

The man then disappeared, leaving Oscar holding his neck and breathing like his life depended on it. There were no marks or bruises left on his neck somehow, so there was no evidence that anything happened, even if he tried to say something Oscar was genuinely too scared to even think about the man coming back.


[Jojo - Newsies] MY BOIII

Jojo stood there absolutely petrified, his hand gripping tight on the strap of his backpack, the other stuck in a sling. "Is that kid smoking a cigar?" Wix asked, "Right sorry not the time. Uhhh you got this just one step at a time."

Jojo's eyes shot up and smiled as he realized it was Race, but that only lasted a split second. The nerves were just too much. "Hey, I'll walk in with you okay, and if Oscar comes up to you, I'll just punch him again!" Wix exclaimed.

Jojo gave a weak smile, and together they walked in, even if it was really really really slow. Jojo took a deep breath as he walked to his class. 'Just one step at a time,' he thought to himself. Then suddenly, he felt something push against him quickly and he almost fell over, he looked down to see Crutchie hugging him tightly. "You're back!"

"Yeah! I am!" Jojo smiled.

"Are you okay?" Crutchie asked, "Oh my god your arm..Oscar did that to you??"

"I'm okay Crutchie don't worry,"Jojo stated as the bell rang, "We better head to class," Crutchie gave a small frown, "Oh Crutchie! Don't tell Jack or anyone, I wanted to surprise them at lunch." Crutchie gave a big smile and a thumbs up before walking to his class.

[Time skip to lunch my bois]

Crutchie talked with Jojo on the way to lunch, when they both got there, Jojo looked over to the Newsie table and he could almost hear Jack shouting, and that one girl, he forgot her name, was there too.Jojo took small steps before he was finally in front of the table, that's when Crutchie cleared his throat to gather everyone's attention.

"Wait you actually got Oscar Delancey to stay ho-" Jack stopped in the middle of his sentence, immediately sitting up and looked at Jojo and Crutchie, "Jojo! Oh my god, what happened we were so worried."

"Told you he would be back," Davey smiled, "In all seriousness where did you go? I mean you were gone for days."

"I stayed with..a friend, they helped me out, and let me stay with them," Jojo answered. Jack and Dmitry looked at each other before looking back at Jojo obviously wanting more details. Jojo sighed before continuing, "I can't really tell you guys anymore than that, sorry."

"Why?" Jack asked leaning forward

"Look I just can't," Jojo said before looking towards the lunch line, "I'm going to go get lunch, I'm starving." As Jojo walked off and Crutchie sat down, Jack leaned towards the group.

"You're going to find out who helped Jojo aren't you?" Lydia asked. Jack laughed and nodded.

"I just think they deserve a thank you, Davey, Dima-"

"Don't call me that," Dmitry added.

"Fine Davey, DMITRY, Crutchie, Race, Albert, Lydia we have a mystery to solve!" :D

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2020 ⏰

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