Chapter 5 - Bring Him Back

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[Jack Kelly] (Newsies like obviously)

"I'm gonna fucking kill that bastard" Jack stabbed his lunch with his fork angerly. "Jack, there's really nothing we can do, Oscars dad funds the school there's no way he could be suspended without something happening." Davey replied. That made Jack even angrier, "That's bullshit though! He deserves to go in the damn slammer!" Davey tried to calm him down when they unexpectedly heard a female voice from behind them.

"You know the best way to take someone out is to probably scare them to death, maybe not to death but scare them enough to the point where they won't mess with anyone ever again." Jack and Davey jumped at the familiar goth chick.

"Jesus, do you normally just pop outta nowhere!" Jack exclaimed, Lydia just simply replied, "Sure."

"Anyway, do you think you could, I don't know..Help us do something about Oscar?" Davey half pleaded.

"Maybe scratch his eyeball out!" Albert yelled.

"OR BREAK HIS SHINS!" Race added.

"NO," Davey yelled in a mom friend panic.

"Wait wait, you seriously want her to help us!? What's a girl gonna do to Oscar?" Jack whispered to Davey.

"I can hear you ya know." Lydia responded.

"I mean the girl's got moxie you have to admit that. No one in the history of the universe would ever punch Oscar, BUT she did," Race explained, "She could be useful to keep around, plus she has the same level of hatred for Oscar as us."

Jack gave in, seeing as there was no point in arguing. "Alright fine, shake on it I guess" Jack then put out his hand, and Lydia spit in it, "I thought you wanted to help us!" Jack said, wiping his hand off.

"I never said I wanted to help you guys," Lydia said, "But I have equal hatred for him as your friend said, so might as well, seeing as you guys can't think of a single damn reason how to get back at him."

"Alright, then let's get to work," Jack declared a sly smirk going across his face.

They all agreed to meet up at the nearby park that day, to plan out what they were going to do. After school, Lydia made her way to the park and asked Jack, "Alright how are we gonna do this? You wanna start off light? We can put spiders down his pants, or fill his locker with cobwebs, or put beetles in his bedroom! Or or, even a fake dead body with realistic blood that gushes out right when he steps in the bedroom and-" Jack quickly interrupted "How abouts no."

"Hey you guys asked for my help," Lydia said, "You wise guys got any better ideas?"

"Is there a revenge section at the library?" Davey asked, "Maybe I should ask Mrs. Phelps." (to the readers if any of u get this reference Izzy loves u so much. Doubt anyone will tho)

"This is the smart one right? If there was a revenge section I would've already read through it, no one writes books on revenge, this isn't some kind of movie where a girl gets manipulated into taking down a dictator then becomes a dictator herself but then the original gets hit by a bus." Lydia sarcastically remarked. Davey responded, "You just literally summarized the entirety of Mean Girls."

"Jojo loved Mean Girls," Crutchie said sadly, as he realized what he said he instantly perked up, "B-but he's fine! You guys said he's fine so he's totally fine!"

 Lydia walked over to Crutchie and sympathetically patted his shoulder, "Kid we're gonna find your friend, and we're gonna take down Oscar the meanie." She then walked over to Jack, "Right, I got another idea, I have a friend, and he can scare the shit out of Oscar, and I don't mean some dumbass college kid in a Jason mask. I mean he can really scare the god damn wits out of Oscar, I say he's your best bet, depends on if you trust me or not."

Jack looked to Davey and Davey shrugged, "It's the only option we got," Davey explained, "So I say go for it.

"He's really THAT scary?" Jack asked. Lydia chuckled and just remarked, "You haven't seen scary until you've met him."

"Alright deal."

Lydia put out her hand, and when Jack hesitated she said: "I'm not gonna spit in your goddamn hand this time!" As another moment's hesitation, he shook her hand and put his game face on.


[Wix - my oc]
"Wixon!" Mr. Washington yelled at him from across the hallway. Wix stopped and slowly turned around, "A word please?"

"You let him stay?" Wix asked angrily as he entered Washington's office.

"You lied to me, Wixon."

"Wix," Washington gave Wix a confusing glare, "I like to be called Wix."

Washington sighed as he sat down in his seat before continuing, "You do know where Jojo is, he's with you, right? There's no point in denying it, I spoke with Miss Honey, and she told me everything. He needs to come back to school, Wix."

"Are you kidding me?" Wix scoffed, "He has to come back here and face the guy who beat him? Oscar broke his arm, did you know that? The kid was crying because he was going to miss his dance nationals, Miss Honey had to sit with him until he fell asleep. Now you're saying that he has to come back just like that."

"Just bring him back, Wix."

"Hell of a school you're running Washington," Wix said standing up and leaving the room. Wix made sure to slam the door on his way out. 

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