Chapter 2 - The Dancer and The Goth

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[Jojo - (Newsies)]

'One, two, three, four,' Jojo counted in his head, 'Just land this, come on you can do it.' Jojo's sprung backward along to the music, one backflip done, the second one done, he was about to land the third one when the doors to the gym swung open, he slipped as he was landing and fell straight back.

"We're needing the gym, and we don't need cheerleaders in here," Jojo instantly recognized the voice, Jojo sat there for a second not daring to move his head, "Are you even listening?" Jojo stood up quickly, "Go." Jojo turned his head and for a split second, he made eye contact with Oscar Delancey.

Jojo quickly grabbed his bag, phone, speaker, and rushed over to the bleachers, staying quiet the whole way there. He packed his bag, as the sound of bouncing basketballs surrounded him. Jojo was so lost in his own mind he didn't even realize there was someone sitting on the bleachers, "You're really going to let them push you around like that?"

Jojo jumped at the voice and looked up to see a small girl with black short hair, wearing all black. "Not like I have a choice," Jojo laughed. "No you do actually," she replied. Jojo looked up at her shocked.

"What grade are you in?"Jojo asked.


"That explains it, that's Oscar Delancey. He's on the basketball team and his brother Morris plays football. They act like this run this school, then again a lot of people do. They kick me out every day, I'm used to it by now. Just stay clear of them," Jojo warned. The girl stared out at them, thinking.

"You're a good dancer you know," Lydia stated, Jojo gave a weak smile to the comment, "You're not a cheerleader, are you? I mean they had this stupid 'welcome freshman' pep rally, all the cheerleaders were there, you weren't.

"You're very observant, no I'm not a cheerleader, thank God for that," Jojo laughed, "What's your name by the way?"


"I'm Jojo," there was a pause of silence before Jojo broke it, "I should probably get going before Oscar gets mad."

"You're really scared of him huh? What did he do to you?" Lydia joked.

Jojo paused for a second, tightening his grip on his backpack, "He's never done anything to me thankfully, but I can't say the same for everyone. He beat up one of my friends pretty bad, it's hard to talk about."


"You wouldn't know him."

"Just tell me anyway."

Jojo took a deep breath, "I really just can't."

"Alright fine," Lydia stated, "You don't have to tell me, I'll just figure it out for myself. I can ask around.

"NO!" Jojo exclaimed, "No, no, no you can't ask around, people will get mad, oh god especially if you asked Jack or Davey or Dmitry or- sorry. I'll tell you, you just can't say anything okay?" Lydia nodded and Jojo sighed, "Charlie Morris or Crutchie Morris."

"Crutchie?" Lydia asked and Jojo nodded, "I've heard he's like a literal embodiment of sunshine. He hurt him? Doesn't he have a crutch? What the hell is wrong with this guy?!" Lydia quickly stood up, "This fucking jerk can't get away with shit like this."

"Lydia no, you don't want to do that trust me," Jojo said running in front of her, "Please don't."

"Jojo, someone needs to stand up to him, plus he can't hit me or I'll sue everything he and his family is worth," Lydia walked past Jojo and Jojo walked backward, his hands gripping tightly on his bag, "Hey douchebag!" Lydia called over to Oscar.

All the boys who were playing basketball turned to look at her, Lydia walked right up to Oscar, "Where the hell do you think you get off running around this place acting like you're the boss?! You beat people up and you feel no fucking remorse?!"

"I'm sorry who are you?" Oscar laughed.

"None of your business that's who."

"I'm sorry, but I'm not going to be told off by some creepy little goth girl, obviously since you don't know how shit works around here," Oscar glanced over Lydia's shoulder, "Did you set her up to this?!" Oscar demanded staring directly at Jojo.

"W-what no I didn't," Jojo said walking backwards.

"You're so weak you have a girl fight your battles?" Oscar slowly walked towards him, Lydia and Jojo made slight eye contact as she mouthed run. Jojo saw that and walked slowly towards the door where he then broke out into a run. Oscar tried to run after him, but Lydia held Oscar back by the hood on his sweatshirt.

"You little bitch," Oscar said as he swung his arm out to punch her, Lydia ducked and laughed. Lydia quickly threw a punch hitting him right in the face. Lydia kept ducking hits from Oscar until two boys trapped her. The gym doors swung open.

"What the hell is going on?!" a boy asked walking in the room, "Oscar what the hell are you doing?! Are you trying to fight a freaking girl?!"

"Morris thank god, this little bitch ruined everything, tried to stand her ground I was just trying to put her in her place," Oscar stated. Lydia interjected with "Yeah and ya kept missing where I, got a hit in," she laughed to herself.

Oscar lunged towards her but Morris stood in his way, "Lay off Oscar, just leave her alone, unless you want dad to be sued."

"I could care less about dad honestly."

"Just. Lay. Off."

"Fine," Oscar put his hands up, he watched Morris leave and turned back to Lydia, "You're lucky this time."

Oscar started to walk away and as Lydia reached the door she turned around and yelled, "Pussy!" She quickly went out the door, but not before quickly flipping him off before running out into the hall, a smirk across her face.


[Crutchie - Newsies]

"Crutchie! Do you know why I've called you here today?" Christine asked walking back and forth holding a clipboard.

"Nope!" Crutchie exclaimed excitedly fiddling with a button on his shirt, "But whatever it is, I'm ready for it! As long as it's not running or pushups or jumping jacks or anything like that!"

"My dear friend, it is the season of homecoming, and as you know I'm planning it this year! You have been chosen to be myyy, drum roll please," Christine said. Crutchie drummed his fingers against the chair, "My assistant planner! Together we will make this homecoming UNFORGETTABLE!"

"Yay!!" Crutchie exclaimed, "I have so many ideas, what will the theme be? What kind of decorations will we have? Food? Beverages? I'm so excited!"

"I had the PERFECT theme in mind, are you ready?" Christine asked Crutchie nodded, "Drum Roll?" Crutchie drummed his fingers against the chair, "Romeo and Juliet!!!"

"Don't they die in the end?" Crutchie asked, "I don't think we want people dying at our homecoming."

"That is true, well what about you Crutchie do you have any ideas?" Christine asked sitting down next to Crutchie. Crutchie took a moment to think before an idea popped in his head, "It's a little cliche, but maybe a masquerade theme?"

Christine popped up, "Crutchie THAT IS AMAZING! I can picture it now, everyone in masks," Christine gestured over her head, "Everyone can have their own sort of Cinderella moment, this will be amazing."

"So we have a set theme?" Crutchie asked.

Christine nodded, "Now for the fun part, putting it ALL together!!"

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