Chapter 4 - Worries

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[Wix - he's my OC jus please let me have this SKY]

[Always finding LOOPHOLES]

Wix lifted his backpack, but winced at the weight against his hand, "Maybe if you stopped getting into fights it wouldn't hurt as much," Principal Washington stated.

"Maybe he deserved it," Wix answered quietly. Principal Washington stared down upon Wix, "Well what do you want me to say? Oscar's going to kill someone one of these days, and he'd probably get away with it."

"Wix."Wix shot out of his seat and paced around the room. "Did you hear Oscar almost punched a girl?! I mean the jocks think they can get away with anything, and you guys let them!"

"Wix! You're not in trouble. We're just trying to get a report, without Jojo it's hard to know what really happened. I've tried to get answers to where he is, I've asked all of his friends, Ms. Medda, anyone who was close with him."

"I'll tell you what fucking happened, Oscar was about to practically kill the poor kid."

"Go on."

[Cady - Mean Girls] Sky helped because Sky is great

Cady walked into school and ran up to Janis, Damien, and Gretchen. "Did you hear about all the drama? It's only the second week of school and already so much is happening!" Janis looked at Cady with a confused face, "What happened??" Cady's face lit up to tell the drama, an old plastic habit that's yet to die out. "Apparently Oscar was going to beat up this kid named Jojo or something, but this Freshman punched him in the face!" The three looked at Cady with disbelief and slight amusement that Oscar himself would get hit by a Freshman.

Damien looked at Cady and just simply said, "Caddy, you know you're not supposed to hear everything people say online right?" Cady pouted for a second and said, "But it's true! Ask literally anyone, apparently this girl named Lydia...I think... punched him". Janis started cackling, "You mean a Freshman, GIRL, hit the Oscar Delancey?!"

"It's true! Everyone is talking about it," Gretchen stated her eyes glued to her phone, "Also the kid, Jojo hasn't been to school for a couple of days, I mean he could be dead for all anyone knows."

"Dead?!" Cady heard someone exclaim from behind them, she turned around to see a boy with a crutch next to a taller boy, "Davey, Jojo could be dead?!"

"Jojo IS NOT dead," the boy who Cady assumed to be Davey answered. He gave a quick glare over at us before going back to consoling his friend, "He's fine I promise." Cady was quick to apologize, "Oh gosh! I'm so so sorry!! Gretchen sometimes over exaggerates! I'm sure your friend is fine!"

"Alright," Crutchie said, "It's just weird to not hear from him."

"Jojo is fine Crutchie," Davey answered, "He's probably just sick, people get sick."

"Plus it's just a rumor, you can never trust rumors anyways," Cady explained, "Most rumors aren't even true!" Janis muttered, "What about the Lydia girl punching Oscar rumor then?" 

Cady looked at Janis for a quick second before Davey spoke up. "Actually, that happened apparently, Oscar didn't even lay a finger on her, pretty impressive if you ask me"

"Interesting," Janis declared.


[Anya - Anastasia]

"I don't know Dima, I'm worried about her," Anya said holding Dmitry's hand tight in hers on top of the desk. Anya's other hand was balled up in a tight fist her fingernails pressing onto her balled up hand, something she often did when she was nervous.

"I'm sure Natalie is fine, you just worry too much," Dmitry explained, "I mean why would she break up with Henry if she still loved him, there must've been a reason." Dmitry's eyes darted towards Anya's other hand, "Bring it up here," Anya lifted her hand, small marks from her nails engraved on her hands, "You have to stop doing that Anya."

"I know, I know. The thing is Natalie does love him, you should've heard her in the music room. I'm scared that she's going to go back to-"

Before Anya could finish her thought the bell let out a loud ring, signifying that class was starting.

"Don't think like that, okay?" Dmitry told her, "Talk to Natalie, make sure she's alright." With that, Anya nodded and Dmitry turned back around in his seat.

As soon as Dmitry let go of her hands both of them balled into a tight fist. 


[Oscar (EW) - Newsies)

Oscar threw his backpack on the floor next to the chair Oscar sat himself down in. Oscar raised one eyebrow towards principal Washington. Washington stared back at Oscar as if he was supposed to be the one to talk first.

Washington cleared his throat before talking, "We've had a situation come into the light. There have been multiple reports on you and starting fights. One with Lydia Deetz-"

"She had it coming," Oscar mumbled.

"I'm sorry? Do you want to say that louder, son? Because you almost hit a girl, and honestly if Lydia reported you to the police, which she could very well do, I would have to back her up. I'm an honest man and you saying 'she deserved it' is basically admitting it."

"I didn't mean it like that-"

"Sure you didn't son," Washington said sarcastically, "It's not only that, but there was a report of you physically harassing someone, and now that kid is missing, want to explain?"

"You think I murdered him?!"

"No, I don't think you murdered him, but what I think happened is that you scared the kid to the point where he can't even come to school."

"You know where he is then?" Oscar asked, sitting up straight in his seat.

Washington chuckled a bit, "I have my resources. Not only the fact that you physically harassed someone you THEN got into a fight right after. Now tell me, Oscar, why should I not suspend you from this school? Or more than that, why shouldn't I call the police on you."

Oscar laughed, "I think you know why Mr. Washington."

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