The Bad Apple

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For the rest of class, we talked about ourselves and how we ended up at Orchard. I was hesitant to tell her about living on the farm. I didn't think there was anything interesting to say, but still she listened quietly and nodded along. I told her a lot of silly things about the farm, my grandparents, my favorite pig, everything. It was nice to talk about my home without feeling self-conscious. Even if only for a little while.

Banana's past was a definitely a lot more interesting. Her dad was a huge fruit distributor and a co-owner of a company named Fruit Fantasy so her family is really really well off. With that being the case, it's a given she'd be able to come to a school like this. Me on the other hand... That's something I'll have to ask my parents.

But here's the real surprise, the other owner of the company was Strawberry's dad. That had to mean that they had to be friends at one point, or at least acquaintances. I can't imagine them never meeting. So why aren't they talking now?

"Hey, Banana."

I tried asking a bit about Strawberry and their relationship. I didn't want to be too nosey, but I couldn't help being a bit curious.

"We were friends at one point." Banana spoke flatly, not going into detail at all.

"Umm, did something happen?" I asked.

"Yes." Another curt response.

"So... What happened?"

"Kiwi, it's not something that I feel comfortable speaking about. Surely, you understand that?"

"I'm sorry, Banana. I didn't mean to--"

"It's fine," she said sharply.

It wasn't fine.

Banana went back to facing forward quietly for the rest of the class. Any attempts to talk to her were met with short one word answers: 'Yes', 'No', 'Okay'. There was no getting to her. After a while, I just gave up.

Stupid! Why did I keep bothering her about Strawberry? As soon as I make a friend, I piss them off. Good job, Kiwi. That's just what I'd expect from you.

But still, what's Strawberry's relationship with Banana. I can't really see how they'd mesh. Maybe there's a nicer side to Strawberry and I just need to get to know her better?

Just as I thought that, Strawberry and I made eye contact. Instantly, her face swirled into the sourest frown I've ever seen. I've seen people happier to step in manure... I take back what I said. There can't be a good side to her.

With no phone and nobody to talk to, I silently waited for class to end, sat between two girls who didn't like me. It took a while (15 minutes), but the bell finally decided that it was done holding me hostage and released me from captivity.

"Okay everyone. Hurry onto your next class. I'll see you all tomorrow." Mr. Dew waved.

Not a moment later, Strawberry was up and gone, disappearing without a word or slightest acknowledgement to anyone. Not even her old friend Banana.

Banana quietly gathered her stuff, giving me a small nod before disappearing in the crowd.

Not even a goodbye. What did my grandma say "always lead with your best foot"? My best foot huh? I must've been born with two left feet then.

Sigh... No point in beating myself up over it. All I can do is apologize next time I see her.

And with that failure, I scooped up my bag and headed out to the next class.

My schedule says that my next class is in Room 529. Which just so happens to be just upstairs... I think. At least I don't have to worry about being late this time. I wonder if I'll run into Apple on the way.

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