Fruit Salad!

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Despite Mrs. Muscleman's ominous threat, Green somehow kept her cocky grin.

"Of course I can! Whatever you've got I can handle," Green said, waving bye as she made her way over to us.

She's got a lot of spirit. I'll give her that. But the way she's waddling over makes me feel less than optimistic. She's moving like her legs are made of pool noodles, or some put Bambi on a pair of stilts. I tried to hold back my laughter. Red didn't. She laughed the entire time Green stumbled over to us.

"Hah! Finally!" Green sigh, plopping the bench.

Red handed her a bottle of water. "Here you go, sis," she said still laughing.

As soon as Green touched the water, it was gone and she was asking for another.

"More!" Green demanded.

"Yeah, yeah. Here."

Red gave her another bottle, it was empty before it even left her hands.

"More!" Green slammed her fist on the bench. "Give me more!"

"Calm down! The water isn't going anywhere," Red said, giving a third bottle.

"I'm dying here, Red. You wouldn't know what that's like. You don't know what it's like being a NORMAL person." Green shook her head. "People need water."

This time Green didn't absorb the bottle into herself. She stopped drinking about half way before continuing her rant.

"Not everyone can be a race horse like you." Green pointed a flimsy finger at her sister. "Or you either, Kiwi!"

I flinched back, never expecting to be involved in this conversation. As far as I was concerned, Green and I were in the same boat. Red was a monster, definitely. But me? Really?

"Me? What do you mean me?" I asked.

"'You' means you! That wasn't "I played around at the farm" speed. That was "I was raced wild horses for fun" speed. People like me can't fight against that."

My face burned hot with anger. What did she know? I worked way harder than she did!

"That's not true! You were ahead of me the whole time! You and Red were amazing. I had to nearly died catching up. If anything, it's YOUR fault I passed you. You just got lazy!" I retorted.

"Lazy? Ha! I wish..." Green paused to finish her bottle of water. "I was sprinting at full speed the entire time."

"Huh?" I choked on my word, not sure if I was hearing right.

"I wasn't expecting to beat Red or anything, but I didn't think you'd be a monster too."

My anger faded and in came guilt. I was too quick to insult Green without knowing how hard she'd had work. I felt bad having to go against Red. Imagine having to be her sister... You'd have to work twice as hard just to not live in her shadow. Maybe she wasn't as lazy as I thought...?

Ashamed, I tried to apologize but Green had more to say.

"Ah, whatever. I did good enough to keep Mrs. M off my back. That's all that matters." Green shrugged.

Then she, without warning, leapt up from the bench and cupped my hands.

"Hey!" Stars lit up in her eyes. "Maybe she'll start bothering you instead, Kiwi! That would be great!"

...I take back what I said. I'll never feel bad for this girl again.

We all sat and waited for the rest of the class to finish. The more athletic kids finished soon after us with the rest of the class coming a little while later. The next test would start after everyone finished. But one fruit was holding everything up. I doubt I need to say who it was, but it was Orange.

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