Gym Day!

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I'll admit that I maybe was a tiny bit overexcited when Green led me to the gymnasium but give me a break. It's my first time actually seeing one. She took me to a massive green and white building that had to be, I don't know, 4 barns high?

I took it all in. So this is what a gym is like? It's kinda underwhelming... It doesn't see much different from any of the other buildings here.

"Kiwi?" Green called. "You alright over there?"

"Yeah. Sorry." I quickly wiped the stupid look on my face. "It's just my first time going to an actual gym. We didn't have one at my school."

My explanation didn't do much to help with Green's confusion. Honestly, I think I made it even worse.

"Your school didn't have a gym? I can't imagine what kind of backwater school doesn't have a gym," Green said. As blunt as usual. "Well, you might want to push those eyes back into your skull. We're not at the gym yet."

I was confused when she said that, but it was quickly cleared up when we entered the building. The floors and walls were covered in marble. Several water coolers were dispensed around the building. Towards the back were several fancy looking showers and lockers as far as the eye could see. This wasn't a gym but a completely oversized locker room. What was this supposed to be? A communal bath? I could bathe every single animal on the farm here, hop in with them and still have room for more -- Not that I would but you get what I mean.

As soon as I walked in, all eyes were on me. They could've burned a hole in my jacket with how hard they were staring. I composed myself as best as I could, trying not to let my surprise get the best of me.

"Kiwi!" "Excuse me, Kiwi."

Though the crowd came two familiar voices. Even without seeing them, I knew who they were.

"Hey Red! Hey Banana!" I waved at the girls as they made their way over.

"About time you two made it here." Red smiled. "I was wondering if you got lost, Sis," she said giving her sister a playful nudge.

"You know how busy it gets." Green shrugged.

"How did you even find us? There's so many people here?" I asked.

"Your outfit," Red quickly answered. "You stick out like a sore thumb. All I had to do was watch for a fuzzy brown ball," she said jokingly.

"Sorry about being such an eyesore," I groaned.

"Whatever. You know I don't mean anything by that." Red laughed.

Red and I shared a small laugh. Dealing with Green and Orange made me forget what it's like to have a normal conversation. If only I could have more of these.

"Pardon me, Kiwi," Banana spoke up.

Banana quietly waited for Red and I to finish talking before pulling me aside. Somehow, I forgot that she was here.

"Sorry, Banana. What's up?" I asked.

The normally noble-looking Banana was oddly meek. Her face was beet red and she barely made eye contact with me.

"I want to apologize for my rudeness earlier today. It was unbecoming of me to speak so crudely. Especially when we've just met... I hope that you can--"

"Stop right there." I interrupted. "I should be the one apologizing. It was my fault. I shouldn't have been so nosy."

Banana's eyes widen with surprise. "I thought for sure you would've hated me..."

Hate her? That's pretty harsh over a little altercation. She must've really beaten herself up over this morning too.

"Then how about we both be sorry?" I suggested. "That way we'll be even."

Banana looked at me confused before bursting out in laughter.

"What a silly thing to say, Kiwi," she said wiping a tear from her eye before smiling warmly. "But sure."

"Ahem..." Green coughed drawing my attention back to the siblings.

"Oh! This is my friend Banana. I met her first period. And these two are Red and Green Apple. They're sisters." I explained.

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