Literally No One Believes You

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Despite getting back to the barracks far after lights out, Eren was able to slip back into his bunk with little fuss, only getting a hushed, "Where have you been?" from Reiner.

Eren pressed a finger to his lips, then pointed to his wrist as he made his way to his bunk.

As he approached his bed, he quickly glanced over to see that Armin was sleeping soundly.

Good. As much as Eren loved him, he could often be far too nosy, and with the ramifications of what Eren had just discovered weighing on his back, he wasn't sure how long he could keep it a secret.

Eren pulled back the thin sheet given to all trainees upon arrival-really they may as well have just given them a bunch of tissues sewn together for all it did to keep them warm-and set to forcing his hand underneath the mattress covering.

Although trainees were later given 3DMG blades once maneuvering practice started, the beginnings of camp were a strictly no-weapons zone. If anyone was caught with so much as a letter opener, it was confiscated and the trainee punished appropriately.

No one really knew why this was the case, as eventually every cadet would be given blades much more dangerous than any knife they could smuggle in, but apparently it was an old standing rule that had stemmed from multiple issues.

Something about fights and dead cadets.

Despite the policy, small blades and the like often ran rampant throughout the camp, and could be used as a bargaining chip for a wide array of favors, ranging from extra food to a change in duties.

For that reason most trainees hid their blades off their person unless they were planning on making a trade, as losing a blade was the same as losing currency.

Yet, despite the value and status they held, no cadet ever really needed them, as the blades were much more effective at cutting and knives had been supplied previously whenever they were needed.

As such, Eren kept his stash untouched, hidden within his straw mattress.

While wholly uninterested in trades, he just didn't feel safe without at least one knife, as what if he needed it to defend from kidnappers or thugs attacking the camp in the hope of stealing some 3DMG?

That was a perfectly good reason to keep ten knives of varying sizes hidden within his mattress and around the camp.

As he pushed his arm up to his bicep into his mattress he pushed and dug through the straw until-


He gripped one of the small pocket knives that he'd hidden within his mattress and quickly withdrew his hand.

Looking down he noticed that it was the red folding knife he'd pickpocketed off of Daz within his first few days at the camp.

Aw. He'd been hoping it'd be the silver one.

Eren tugged off his boots, dropping the knife in and folding the top over to conceal the glint of metal, just in case someone noticed it in the morning.

He'd much rather have snuck in during dinner and grabbed the knife rather than having to carry it around all day, but he knew that he'd already built up a ton of suspicion from Mikasa and Jean by skipping today, and he'd much rather take the punishment for being found with a knife than have anyone find out what he planned to do with it.

Walls, that'd be an awkward conversation.

Shoving his boots beneath the bed, he glanced over and realized that he'd never actually properly put up his 3DMG straps, as when he'd taken them off earlier it'd been impossible to do with only one hand.

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