Chapter 3

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You looked through the door of your classroom. Your classmates were already inside, obviously, you were quite late, but there was no teacher in sight. Taking in a gulp of air, you opened the door and within a second, all eyes were on you. You awkwardly waved while casting a glance at Catherin, your best friend, who was seated in the back. Shame setting upon you, you managed to tiptoe to your desk when-

"Miss (l/n)." ­Fuck. You looked up at your teacher, twisting your face of surprise into an obviously fake smile.



Not even half an hour later, you found yourself in front of the door of the principal's office. Your hand hovered over the shining dark wood, hesitant to knock. Not that you had a choice though. Sighing, you gave the door three firm knocks, the door opening almost immediately. "(Y/n)?" the familiar voice said. "Come on in." The woman held the door open a little wider, giving you room to step into the office. "So, are you going to tell me why you're here?" Swallowing, you turned to the principal.

"Okay, mom, I know this looks bad, but" Your eyes found their way to some important looking documents on the tabletop. Wonder what that's all about. "it's nothing other than being late by accident. I slept through my alarm clock, so it's not my fault." You quickly added that last sentence. Your mom sighed as she sat down in her chair. "It doesn't matter. I wanted to talk to you anyway." At this, you slightly narrowed your eyes. Was this about the argument the two of you had yesterday? "Your dad and I will be out of town for a few weeks. There's a case that both involves the police and the school so they need our help." So, not about yesterday. But also: what!?

"Wait, what about Brian and I?" Turning her head to look outside, your mom sighed. "You're going to live with your aunt for a while. I know that you haven't seen her since you were two years old, but I promise you that she's nice." My aunt? For as far as you knew, you didn't have an aunt. "When will you leave?" Your mom turned to look at you again, her blue eyes giving off a hint of sadness. "Tomorrow."


Absentminded, you dragged your pencil across the paper. Wow, okay, this just went really fast all of a sudden. In less than 24 hours, you had met a monochrome boy, you had come to know that both your mom and dad were leaving for who knows how long and your mom had told you that you were going to live with an aunt that you didn't know of.

What. The. Fuck. You almost felt like you were in one of those stories where the author was running out of motivation so they shoved all their ideas in one part and-

"What's wrong?" You turned your head to the side, revealing Catherin looking at you with a worried expression. "Just thinking. My mom told me she's leaving tomorrow. With my dad." At this, Catherin threw her hands up in the hair while wiggling around on her chair, as if having a silent party. "We have got to celebrate this." You sighed, turning back forward. "I wish, but no. They're sending me to an aunt that I apparently have." "Are you serious? Where does this aunt even live?" You shrugged.

"I have no idea."


Short chapter this time andtotallynotafillerahem. Since I'm still planning on where to go with the story and I also have a lot of work to do for school, I might not update that fast, sorry :/

Good news: this book almost has a 100 views, with just a few chapters up and I'm so happy! :)

Edit: we passed the 100 views yay!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2020 ⏰

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