Chapter Two

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I walk downstairs to Caleb's room to ask him what's for dinner,because I am getting hungry.I open the door and only Ash and that other dude are in there."Hey Ash,where's Caleb?"I ask."He went to Wendy's to get some food."Ash tells me,his Australian accent showing."Okay,thanks.and Who are you?"I ask the brunette with Ash."I'm Bryan."he tells me."What's your name?" "It's Sammie."I say. "Sammie?That's your first name?"Bryan asks."Ugh.wh-"I begin saying before Ash cuts me off."Yes that's her name." "Ummm wow."Bryan says.I muster a smile and walk out to find Caleb home with the food.I grab a baconator and a coke out of the fridge.I head back up to my room and eat.


Bzzzz.A text from Tara.

Bzzzz.A text from Em.

I open our group text.

Me: Hey guys.



Me:Are you still in love with Ash?

Tara:Hmph Yesh.He's CUTE!You can't blame me!

Em:But he is your best friend's brother's best friend.



Tara:GTG See y'all on Monday.




(End of Messages)



I leave 1st period and start heading to 2nd.


I am now on the floor surrounded by my books.I look up to find none other than Bryan."Watch It!"he shouts at me.

I pull myself up off the floor and say"Maybe YOU should watch where YOUR going." He glares at me and knocks my glasses of my face.They fall to the floor and crack. "You little BITCH!"I scream,grabbing my glasses and running to 2nd period.Before I can make it Ash grabs me."You okay,mate?"he asks."Whattya THINK!"i scream at him,pushing my way into my 2nd period.



Once,I get home I invite Em and Tara over.


I head downstairs and open the door."Hey"I say to Em and Tara."Where are your glasses?"they ask me in unsion.

"One,of my brother's friends pushed me down in the ha-"I am cut off my a knock on the door.I open the door to find Caleb,Ash,and Bryan.I hug Caleb and Ash,but try to slam the door in Bryan's face."Sammie,put your glasses on."Caleb tells me."I can't "I tell him.Bryan gets a nervous look on his face."And why not?"Caleb asks."Well you see.Today on the hall,Bryan,here pushed me down and then knocked my glasses off my face causing them to break."I pull my glasses out of my,pocket to reveal my glasses split in two."Bryan..did you do that?"Caleb asks."Uhummm well,it was an accident."Bryan says."Let's go"I say to Em and Tara heading up to my room.Tears begin to well up in my eyes.Once Em,Tara,and I are in my room.I slam the door.

I hear Ash and Caleb outside my door.

"Sammie"I hear Caleb say."Sammie,c'mon."Ash says."LEAVE ME ALONE"I shout,"YOUR JUST GONNA SIDE WITH BRYAN!!"

Hey Loves!
I'm thinking about doing some different P.O.Vs ,
Comment whether I should or not!
I wanna do Em,Tara,and maybe Ash and Caleb's P.O.V,

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