Chapter Three

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Emily's P.O.V


I Am Going To Murder Someone.A couple of days back I promised Sammie something.I promised her that if anyone,anyone,hurts her I will hurt them.Now that jackass Bryan broke her glasses and knocked her down.Damn,he gonna get his ass whooped.I am at her house right now just silently planning his demise."Guys I liberally cannot see 1 foot in front of me."Sammie says."The struggle is real."I tell her."Hey you,still have your glasses.Bryan just broke my 125 dollar limited edition pink and clear ombre glasses"she tells me matter-of-factly."Oh yeah.Sorry I forgot.Atleast your still alive skank"I say.We laugh."Bruh..I wanna go see 5SOS in concert,"Tara blurts out."We know"me and Sammie say in unsion.


Obviously there was somebody at Sammie's door."WHAT!"I yell at the door."Its me,Ash"says an Ash."Sammie?"I ask,nodding at her."Sure let him,in"she says.Tara gets a giddy look in her eyes.I open the door and let Ash in."You okay?"he asks Sammie."Yeah.Just pissed off"she says."OH MY GERSH ASH!"tara says,"Yeah?"Ash responds."Your cute"She says."yeah"ash says.

*I write sins not Tradegies begins to play*

"Sorry gals,I gotta go."Ash says hugging sammie goodbye."Sammie?Why does he like you so,much?"I ask."He is like another brother to me,"she says."But Bryan,needs to die."she tells me

-Mann dat bitch,Bryan is gonna die'i think to myself..

:hey loves
More soon
THX @XxMagicalEmilyxX for the awesome idea for this chapter WBFFs

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