Chapter Five

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A few days had passed since the peck on the lips that neither boy felt inclined to mention.  Yoongi put it down to how emotional they both were at that moment, they'd both shown vulnerability.  Jimin had just opened up about contemplating having his guts spread out on a train track for fucks sake, of course he was vulnerable Yoongi chided himself.  But Jimin had kissed him, and not the other way around.  Yoongi had just laid there, lips frozen, he hadn't even responded,  it had just been a peck, it literally lasted a second, but in all their years of friendship their lips had never been within a inch of each others.  They went on like nothing had happened and even shared their usual shitty jokes on the way to school the following day.  It was better this way Yoongi had thought, he knew Jimin hadn't meant to kiss him and to make a big deal of it would cause a crack in the foundation of their friendship, and he couldn't afford for that to happen.  

Jimin had woken the morning after, his eyes pricking from last nights tears remembering how he had overstepped the friendship boundary with Yoongi.  He prayed to God that his best friend didn't now think he was weird and was thankful when Yoongi broke the ice by farting loudly and attempting to smash Jimin's head beneath the covers.  Their bellowing laughter and shouts of 'dirty bastard' confirmed that they were fine.  The train track incident wasn't brought up again and Jimin was thankful that it had been put on the shelf with all of the other secrets they had shared over the years.  

The days went on as normal for the boys, but Yoongi began to take note of a certain boy in his gym and history class.   It was the one who he'd seen so many sketches of in Jimin's room, Jeon Jungkook.  He hadn't even known his name, sure he'd seen him around, he was the preppy kid, always cheerful, popular with the girls but openly gay.  He'd heard another boy call his name and some business about the prom committee, but he put his headphones in realising that these peoples lives were nothing to him and scolded himself for his curiosity.  He seemed to radiate an aura of goodness and made Yoongi want to gag 'Mr fucking perfect' he had scoffed to himself. 

When he'd met Jimin for lunch he'd notice how his friends eyes kept casting sideward glances to the popular table, a light blush covering Jimin's face when he realised he'd been caught, and he made a quick change of subject before Yoongi could ask him what the fuck was going on.  Their usual banter continuing under another boys sideward glance towards their own table, Yoongi wasn't the only one aware of Jimin's interest.  Kim Taehyung sat draped over the bright preppy kid who he was feeding bits of lunch to, much to Jungkook's embarrassment.  He never usually showed such outward affection at school, being a jock and captain of the football team he had always told Jungkook he had a certain reputation to uphold.  However, that particular day, he made a show of his possession in the school canteen, unbeknown to Jungkook it was all aimed at the nerdy art kid who had taken a keen interest in his property as his deep brown eyes bore into an oblivious Jimin. 

When Sunday came around Jimin was glad, he always loved Sunday's, the lazy air that surrounded the world.  No school, no work at the garage and no parents, at least until late afternoon, but he'd be out of the way by then.  His parents and sisters attended church each Sunday, they weren't bible bashers or devout God squad or anything.  It was more a statement that they were upstanding citizens, despite the lower class area they resided in, a sort of 'fuck you' to the cashmere wearing snobs of the town.  They used to drag Jimin along when he was too young to refuse, but they respected his decision to forego the pleasure now he was 18, especially after he gave them the valid argument that their bisexual son would only ruin their wholesome image.  

Jimin had decided to enjoy the brightness of the day and the light warmth that the sun was bestowing upon the town before the Autumn breezes took over.  He text Yoongi earlier telling him he would be at the park and to join him if he felt like it, and took his sketch book to draw some squirrels or some trees, or whatever.  Mostly he felt like getting out into some fresh air, just to escape his beige existence for a little while.  

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