Chapter Seventeen.

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The rest of the school day went by in a whirl for Jimin, his head lost in thought throughout his lessons, visions of his crush morphing into his best friend kept flashing through his mind making him feel like he was going crazy.  He finally had a chance with the guy he'd dreamed about for so long, so why did he suddenly have these rushing emotions towards Yoongi? He was sure it was most probably guilt getting twisted inside his brain and making scenarios that shouldn't be there.  Yoongi was and always would be his best friend, it had always been that way, and it always would.  He'd seen how hurt Yoongi looked recently, as if he was going to lose him because another boy came along.  The emotions of such an intense friendship, of guilt, along with the pent up hormones of an 18 year old virgin were seriously playing havoc with his brain.

He'd bumped into Jungkook completely by accident on his way to the library at lunchtime, both boys nervous and unsure what to say to each other.  It didn't help that all eyes were currently on them as the new hot topic of conversation around the school.  "Hi Jimin", Jungkook had smiled warmly, although he looked pale and tired,and his eyes didn't seem as bright as they had been.  "Hi" Jimin had said nervously, not knowing what to say to his crush as he played with the hem of his oversize sweater. 

 "So.. Saturday?" stated Jungkook with a little more confidence, obvious to eyes of Kim Taehyung who had just walked into his line of vision at that moment.  "Saturday?" asked Jimin, "our date, or have you changed your mind" smiled Jungkook with a more flirty manner than he had used before he knew his audience of one was listening.  "Oh.. yeah, umm, yes" said Jimin blushing, but smiling brightly.  "Pick me up at 8? you know where I live" he offered giving Jimin a quick kiss on the cheek as the boy stood there eyes wide, heart pounding. 

Jungkook looked over to where Taehyung was stood, ready to give him a glare before he walked away with his head high, doing a mental victory dance.  But Tae looked utterly defeated, his usual pompus 'rule the school' exterior gone.  With his hands in his pockets, and his shoulders slumped, he simply offered a small, shy smile to Jungkook, and a polite nod to Jimin as he turned and walked away taking a piece of Jungkook's heart with him. Jimin realising the flirtatious performance had probably been for his benefit, he didn't blame Jungkook for needing his moment of triumph though.    

Jimin noticed Jungkook's flash of crumbling exterior and wondered if he was doing the right thing "hey" he said warmly, "If it's too soon, we can wait?" he offered.  He was too nice thought Jungkook, and one small hint of humanity from his ex boyfriend shouldn't be enough to reel him back in.  Yes, he missed him, more than missed him, but he'd made him feel like shit on more than one occasion.  For all he knew, this could just be another attempt at subtle manipulation on Tae's part, he definitely wouldn't put it past him based on his track record.  "No" stated Jungkook firmly, "I'm looking forward to it" he smiled as they said their goodbyes.

Later that evening, Jimin was just finishing up at the garage, his brain fried with the weird, long ass day he'd had and he really needed to see his best friend.  As if on cue, Yoongi made his presence known, "no strip show tonight?" he laughed as Jimin looked up from the bonnet of his chevvy.  His eyes almost fell from their sockets as he took in Yoongi's appearance.  His once dark hair had been bleached and was almost a white blonde, making his deep eyes look dangerous and extremely sexy. 

"Your hair" Jimin exclaimed, moving towards him and running his fingers through it in awe.  "Yeah" Yoongi chuckled, blushing slightly, "Joon and Jin hyung decided I needed a makeover" he said rolling his eyes, "whaddya think?" he asked.  "I think you look fucking hot" Jimin stated before blushing at his words, both boys laughing.  Quickly changing the subject, Yoongi decided to rip his band aid off and ask about the date after making his mind up to be the kind of friend that Jimin needed right now.  Jimin looked slightly uncomfortable "we're going out on Saturday, but I'm freaking out a bit".  "Why?" asked Yoongi "just be yourself and he'll love you" he let linger in the air.

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