Chapter 30: The Impaler

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Alina wasn't at the ball. Vlad was well aware they have been fighting lately and that he wasn't sharing things with her. He didn't let her in, just like he never wanted to let anyone in. But her absence was gnawing at him.

He sat at the table that was full moments ago. But now, everyone got up and danced to the wonderful music. Vlad sighed and got up, deciding he would rest at the throne. No one bothered him when he sat on the throne, they simply assumed he was deep in thought. Vlad retrieved to the stony chair and put his drink down on the desk with a chess board on, next to the throne.

He sighed again, feeling like an old bat, cocooned in his dusty, old nest where no one was able to reach him.

His eyes noticed Giselle, in the middle of the great hall, surrounded by her friends and other disciples. Vlad could see everyone staring at her, frightened and intrigued. She was mesmerizing, like an uncut gem, her true colours finally showing. Just like Leona, Vlad thought, and he got lost in the memory similar to this moment. Hundred years ago, in Buda, when he danced the night away with Leona on his arm. He was so joyous that night, they left Bran castle for a few days and drank away the problems. After the celebration, they made love until morning. Back when Leona wasn't so full of darkness.

His thoughts jumped to that night, twenty years ago, when he made love to Leona one last time. She had a husband then, a human husband, because she decided to create a life for herself away from all the magic. She claimed she wanted her children to not have any part in this world. Yet, Giselle was here. And Vlad realised he had been used that night.

Leona wanted Giselle to be as strong as possible, and surely she would be strong if she was the daughter of a vampire.

Vlad heard scraping of a chair and turned his gaze towards the person intruding his moment of peace.

"I hate balls." Lerra De Noves said, placing the chair next to the desk with the chess board on and sitting.

"That is very sad considering you're so young." Vlad commented, not particularly thrilled to have her here.

"Oh, it has nothing to do with age, I'm just cynical like that. I'm sure we share that trait." She lifted the cup towards Vlad and looked into his eyes.

For the shortest of moments, his eyes trailed up and down the woman sitting next to him. Such fierceness and boldness in one person, one could not help but admire a bit.

"I thought you were sick of drinking wine mysteriously." Vlad reminded her while saluting.

"Ah, what one does for the show. I'm sure you have plenty of masks yourself, Voivode." Lerra played with the pawn on the chess board. Vlad looked at her shamelessly, her fiery red hair and her green, cunning eyes. He would be a liar if he said he didn't find her attractive.

"Sometimes the masks we wear are so alluring we tend to forget what we're really like. I prefer honesty." Vlad smiled, keeping the woman's eyes on him. Lerra smiled, too, like she got what she wanted.

"You prefer honesty? Is that so, Axara?" She asked and Vlad frowned momentarily. How could she possibly be this resourceful?

"So, you know my birth name, yes, everyone seems to be flashing that card lately. I'm two thousand years old, I'm a man with a past." Vlad smiled and drank the wine. He caught the sight of Giselle, still dancing in the middle of the hall, her golden hair flying around while she spun to the rhythm of music.

"I've been putting the pieces together, about Giselle." Lerra began. "And you know what I'm wondering?"

"Probably the same thing I am wondering." Vlad said and Lerra positioned her entire body in Vlad's direction.

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