Chapter I | Return of the Jedi

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The elevator to the Emperors throne room opens, Vader and Luke enter the room alone and they walk across the dark space to stand before the throne, father and son side by side beneath the gaze of the Emperor. Vader kneels before his master. Palpatine grins and began speaking to Luke. "Welcome young Skywalker I have been expecting you." Luke looks at the hooded figure defiantly. The Emperor then looks at Luke's binders. "You no longer need those." he announced. The Emperor motions ever so slightly with his finger and Luke's binders fall away, clattering to the floor. Luke looks down at his hands fighting the urge to kill him there and then. He does nothing. He is powerless...

Palpatine commands his guards to leave and they would obey. Palpatine turns to Luke. " I am looking forward to completing your training. In time you will call me master." Luke declares "you're gravely mistaken. You won't convert me as you did my father."

The Emperor gets down from his throne and walks up very closely to Luke. Palpatine looks into his eyes and, for the first time, Luke can perceive the evil visage through the hood. "Oh, no, my young Jedi. You will find it is you that is mistaken... about a great many things."

Vader interrupts, "his lightsaber, my lord." Vader extends and gloved hand towards the Emperor, revealing Luke's lightsaber. Palpatine takes it. "Ah, yes, a Jedi's weapon. Much like your father's. By now you should know your father can never be turned from the dark side. So will it be with you." Luke responds, "you're wrong. Soon I'll be dead...and you with me."

Palpatine laughs sadistically. "Perhaps you refer to the imminent attack of your rebel fleet." Luke looks up sharply. "Yes I assure you we are quite safe from your friends here." Vader would look at Luke.

Luke declares "your overconfidence is your weakness." Palpatine laughs yet again, "your faith in your friends is yours."

Vader looks at Luke. "It is pointless to resist, my son." The Emperor angrily interrupts. "Everything that has transpired has done so according to my design. Your friends up there on that sanctuary moon...

Luke reacts and the Emperor notes this.

"...They are walking into a trap. As is your rebel fleet! It was I who allowed the alliance to know the location of the shield generator. It is quite safe from your pitiful little band. An entire legion of my best troops awaits them." Luke's look darts from the Emperor to Vader and finally, to the lightsaber hilt in the Emperors hand. "Oh I'm afraid the deflector shield will be quite operational when your friends arrive," he'd say stubbornly.

Through the round window behind the Emperor's throne can be seen the distant flashes of the space battle in progress. Palpatine laughs "come boy see for yourself." He'd been sat on his throne with Vader stood by his side. Luke moves to look through a small section of the Window. "From here you will witness the final destruction of the alliance, and the end of your insignificant rebellion." Luke is in torment. He glances at his lightsaber sitting on the armrest of the throne. The Emperor watches him and smiles as he touches the lightsaber. "You want this don't you? The hate is swelling in you now. Take your Jedi weapon. Use it. I am unarmed. Strike me down with it. Give into your anger. With each passing moment, you make yourself more my servant." Vader watches Luke in his agony.

"No!" Luke shouts. "I will never join the dark side. I am a Jedi like my father before me." Palpatine replies "it is unavoidable. It is your destiny. You, like your father, are now mine!"

The Emperor, Vader, and a horrified Luke watch the aerial battle fireworks out the window and on the viewscreens. Another Rebel ship explodes against the protective shield.

Palpatine turns to Luke. "As you can see, my young apprentice, your friends have failed. Now witness the firepower of this fully armed and operational battle station!"  Palpatine speaks into a com link. "Fire at will commander."

Luke, in shock, looks out across the surface of the Death Star to the Rebel fleet beyond. A beam of green light is fired onto the battlefront. Luke watches in horror as multiple rebel ships are destroyed.

Out of the window and on the view screens, the rebel fleet is being decimated in blinding explosions of light and debris. In the throne room there was no sound of battle. The Emperor turns to Luke.

"Your fleet has lost and your friends on the Endor moon will not survive. There is no escape, my young apprentice. The alliance will will your friends.

Luke's eyes are full of rage. Vader watches him.

"Good. I can feel your anger. I am defenceless. Take your weapon! Strike me down with all your hatred, and your journey towards the dark side will be complete."

Luke can resist no longer. The lightsaber flies into his hand. He ignites it in an instant and swings at the Emperor. Vader's lightsaber flashes into view, blocking the blow before it can reach the Emperor. The two blades spark at contact. Luke turns to fight his father...

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