Chapter V | The Emperor Reborn

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Admiral Pryde enters Palpatine's chamber wearing his new Admiral uniform. It was a throne room with red walls, covered by banners painted with the symbol of the galactic empire. A large window was behind Palpatine and outside the eeriness of space could be seen. He had his elite royal guards stood next to him. Palpatine was seated on a levitating throne.

Pryde informs Palpatine, "My lord, the ship has reached Malachor V." Palpatine turns his new throne around towards him. "Good, prepare my ship, I will be at the hangar shortly."

Admiral Pryde leaves Palpatine's chamber. Palpatine turns to his surviving Elite Imperial royal guard. They wore black robes with red eye lenses. Each one of them had a force pike in their hands. "Escort me to my ship." The royal guards nodded and began to lead him to the ships hangar. As they walked down the eerie corridor Palpatine could feel a strange power surging through him.

"Perhaps the planet increases the power of my force abilities?" He thought to himself. Slowly he continued to walk until he reached the elevator.

Once he had arrived at the hangar the royal guards entered a replica imperial shuttle. Admiral Pryde looks at Palpatine.
"I wish you a safe journey, my Lord." Palpatine laughs. "Thank you Admiral, I am assured that you will keep everything under control until I return." Pryde remains silent as Palpatine enters the ship.

The doors of the imperial shuttle close and the ship begins to rise. As they flew towards the planet Palpatine could feel the strange energy growing stronger. He looks down at his hands to see lightning bolts jumping between his fingers.

The royal guards look at Palpatine in disarray. Palpatine turns to them. "There is a strange power on this planet. Find the source of it and we shall land there." The royal guards do as they are instructed. They activate a map of the planet and scan for any power sources.

Suddenly the ship comes to a halt. The royal guards open the door to the ship. Palpatine looks at the twisted wasteland. It was shrouded by perpetual mist and storms. "Guards, remain here. I shall return once I have everything I need." Carefully Palpatine exits the ship.

A lightning storm raged above him. As he stepped onto the planets surface he could see the entrance to a tomb. It was made from weather stained stone, and looked ancient.
Inside was lit by magical blue flames. As Palpatine moved further towards the peculiar structure he realised that it was an ancient sith burial tomb, probably belonging to his former master Darth Plagueis.

As he entered the tomb Darth Plagueis appeared once again. "I have left something here for you, my apprentice." Palpatine moved closer towards the ancient sith coffin. It was made of cursed black stone and was covered with engravings of the ancient sith language. "Whatever is inside is an object of great power." Palpatine laughs.

Plagueis turns to Palpatine. "This is one of my many tombs. I decided to leave you my final gift in this one because I knew you would return." Palpatine laughs. "And what is this gift... Plagueis?"

Plagueis sniggers. "Why don't you take a look for yourself?" Palpatine lifts open the stone coffin with the force. Hesitantly looks inside.

A decayed skeleton with a lightsaber hilt in its hand was the only thing that remained. It was a single bladed sith lightsaber made from some sort of alloy, intended for two hands. Plagueis looks at his former apprentice. "That saber was made back when I was an apprentice. When I murdered my master, Darth Tenebrous, the lightsaber remained in my possession."

Palpatine laughs. "So this is the item of immense power. Now it is mine, I will use it to extract my revenge."

Plagueis glances at him. "Use that saber to destroy your enemies! Do not allow yourself to be easily defeated by the weak!"

Palpatine cackles. "I have not been defeated in the past. I will not be defeated in the future."

Plagueis grins at Palpatine and disappears once again.

Palpatine glances at the lightsaber and laughs menacingly. "I am reborn with my new order! This time I will not fail!"

Palpatine continued to laugh sadistically as he left the ancient Sith temple and returned to the imperial shuttle. Slowly he boarded the ship, the sound of his laughter could still be heard echoing behind him...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2020 ⏰

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