Chapter IV | A New Order

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Palpatine opened his eyes. His fall had been stopped by the force and he was floating an inch above the ground. Carefully he landed and he began to stride towards the Death Star hangar.

As he walked he could see stormtroopers running around trying to find the nearest exit. A man wearing an officers uniform approaches him. "My lord, do you need some assistance?"

Palpatine looks at the officer. "Yes officer, take me to the nearest ship." The officer nods and escorts the emperor down a series of corridors.

The officer hurried through the command center and the cell block to the elevators with Palpatine behind him. Palpatine would get off on the first floor with the officer. They'd hurry to the hangar where they saw soldier transports being loaded, they rushed on board.

The ship transport closes and it would fly out of the Death Star to the nearest star destroyer. The intense space battle continued as they flew to their destination. The sound of explosions could be heard in the background.

Suddenly the ship landed and the remaining stormtroopers would pile out of the transports and into the star destroyer hangar.

Palpatine exits the transport and takes one final glance at his Death Star before it is obliterated. As the debris from the explosion dives towards the ship they enter hyperspace.

Palpatine turns and heads towards the elevator. He thinks about what had happened and how he would use the power of the final order to get his revenge.

The officer that helped him was still stood by his side. Palpatine laughs and the officer remains silent. The elevator comes to a halt and the command center went silent as Palpatine enters.

Palpatine glances at the remaining soldiers that stood before him. "You are the final troopers of the Galactic Empire. However, the Galactic Empire is no more!" He'd laugh. "Soon, once I have located the forbidden planet ,Exegol, we shall raise the final order and have our revenge on the pathetic rebellion!"

The soldiers glanced at each other with joy and praised Emperor Palpatine for giving them hope and a new order to serve.

Palpatine continues. "You will continue to serve me, however, this officer is your new Admiral. I will give him direct orders for you to follow." He'd point to the officer that helped him escape the Death Star.

The officer speaks. "I am Enric Pryde, your new Admiral. Under my command failure will not be tolerated! All who fail to follow orders will be punished!"

He turned to Palpatine, who was laughing with amusement. "What is our next move, my Lord? Where should we set our destination to?"

Palpatine stops laughing. "Set our destination to Malachor V." Admiral Pryde nods and turns back to the soldiers. "Troopers, set our destination to Malachor." The troopers begin to pilot the ship, they get ready to enter hyperspace.

Admiral Pryde turns to Palpatine. "How many men do you want to take with you, my Lord?" Palpatine looks at the Admiral. "None, I am going alone." Pryde nods without questioning him and leaves to check on his troopers.

Palpatine remains at the front of the ship. He laughs as he continued to plot his revenge against the rebellion and the rest of the galaxy!

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