Chapter 4: *Goodbye...*

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((HEY!!!!! Long time, no see~ yeahhhhhh. Sorry it took so long with this chapter. I had writers block and didn't know how to place anything in the right order so I got fed up and stopped writing for a week before returning, which I only wrote a little by little. But I want to Thank everyone for reading, supporting, and commenting on my story. After this one is done, I'll get started on a new story which maybe longer or not or.... Just make a one-shot story thing if I get requests that is. I don't know. We'll see. But still, thank you for your support and I hope we'll stick together for a long time cause.... I'm not going anywhere XD I hope you enjoy.

Song: Crime and punishment
By: Hatsune Miku))

America walked to the World Summit because he left his car there, but rather slowly since he wanted to take his time as well, making him 15 minutes late.

Germany was, again, in the middle of a lecture but he stopped just to yell at America and his tardiness and....... messiness?

America didn't bother to change, take a shower or fix his hair. He even forgot his glasses so you could plainly see the hurt in dull blue eyes.

Germany was scared by this so instead of yelling he just said "Um- Come earlier tomorrow..." Before going back to the front and continuing but everyone didn't look back. They were all just too shocked at how America looked.

America didn't notice them as he walked to his seat before sitting down, his things still there from yesterday. Told ya they didn't care... he thought to himself as he rolled his eyes and looked at his blank note papers. He sighed and began to draw random things like a child would do during class.

After the World meeting, America gathered his things up, getting ready to leave before he was approached by his crush.

"America-san..." A soft voice said before it gently grabbed his shoulder.

America turned his dull blue eyes to meet dull brow ones. There stood Japan with a sad sorrowful look. "Are you okay? I know you're upset about yesterday but of course, England didn't mean it. He loves you and always will love you as his little brother."

America continued to look at him with a blank look. That was one of the things he was upset about but not the main thing. He was quite surprised that Japan didn't pick up everything that was bothering him.

Japan shifted in place at the awkward silence before speaking. "I-I need to go." The Asian nation said before turning and walking away with his light and barely noticeable footsteps, all the while America watched him go without a seconded thought of stopping him.

A moment later, America sighed and collected his things rather quickly before turning to leave.

He stopped in the door way to see people talking, arguing, whispering, reading and writing on the papers of today's meeting. Some people made eye contact with America before turning back to whatever they were doing, some even held his gaze.

He smiled sadly at everything, knowing that he'll miss being the hero...

What uses of a hero, like yourself, will be needed when no ones will be needing saving? a little voice called to him.

America's smile faded and with a quick turn of his body, he left.


America arrived home finally and when he did, he dropped his things and the first thing that hit his mind, well his stomach, was hunger for he hasn't eaten in days it seemed like. Slowly, America went into the kitchen and made himself something small to eat. Okay not small but quick.

When the Mac-and-Cheese was done, he dished himself a bowl and set himself at the table with a blank piece of line paper and a pen to his right. With that, he began to write something and eat in silence.

America ate in peace with no one around or to talk to. If I stay alive. This will be the rest of my life and..... I don't want that. America folded the piece of paper in two and on the top wrote 'Note' before picking up his empty bowl and setting it in the sink, slowly he cleaned his entire house from washing to folding dirty clothes then putting them away, making his bed, washing dishes, cleaning bathrooms and toilets. He wasn't really sure WHY he was doing this, he just thought it was a good idea.

When the last load of laundry was finished and put away, which was about 1 O'clock in the morning, he realized that he hasn't seen Americat for a whole day. With a sigh he filled his cat bowl with as much as he could plus leaving the bag tipped over. That's when he filled the sink up less than half way with cold water, leaving it plugged with the sink going just a little.

With a painful sigh and a quick look around the place to make sure everything was clean and in order, for once, he got undressed, except his boxers, and went to the bathroom without a seconded thought. When he entered the bathroom, he locking the door behind him.

He didn't come out after going in.

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