Chapter 5: *Found out...*

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((Welp, I cried when writing this but I had to reread it and I think it's a good but sad little chapter. There's only one, or two, chapters left... We'll see but I hope you're enjoying my story. I'm sorry if it's, of course, sad. I'll make happy-ish story(where no one dies or gets hurt physically) after this is finished but yeahhhhhh! XD

It was 6 O'clock sharp to the point that there was barely any light out yet as Japan and England pulled up to America's normal looking house.

It's been nearly 3 1/2 to 4 days now since Alfred disappeared. His cell phone is off, he hasn't responded to texts, he hasn't came to work, nothing came from him.

As both nations exited the car and began to make their way up to the front door, Japan was the first to break the silence.

"Wonder why America is being distant." He said in his monotone voice. It may of sounded like he didn't care but he was scared and worried for the American, for he had a bad feeling deep in his gut.

"For all I care, he could be dead! I just came so I could lecture him about skipping off on work for something stupid. I bet he got a new video game and he's been staying up for the past few days to finish it, that git." England said, still huffy about how America made fun of him and his eyebrows last month, this giving him a reason to yell at him.

When the two walked up to the door, England was the first to knock, well bang, on the door. He practically screamed at it for the whole neighborhood to hear. "America, you bloody Idiot! How DARE you skip out on work like some stupid pre-teenager! You come open this door right now!" He barked.

Japan just watched knowing that England was taking the wrong approach to opening the door.

After no reply, Japan glanced at England to see his face bright red. "How dare he ignore me..." The 'gentlemen' growled, raising a fist to bang on the door again but was quickly stopped by the Asian nation.

"Let me try..." Japan said calmly. He raised his hand and knocked on the door softly. "America-san? Please open the door. We need to talk to you..." Japan finished but was quickly cut off from his next sentence from a pissy Englishman.

"To hell we do!" He yelled.

Japan sighed, gently placing his hand on the knob before turning it, surprisingly, finding it to be unlocked. Slowly Japan pushed the door in to open it, looking around at the dimly lit house. "Hello? America-san?" He said, taking a step in with England following after.

England looked around at the empty house. "Oh! So he hid, eh? Ooooo- he's going to get it!"

Japan sighed. "What if he's not here? Maybe he's at Canada's house."

"Either way. He's getting in trouble. He's been ignoring his work for almost a week. He can't just figure one week he's going to work while the next he's going to slack off." England continued his rant while Japan toned him out as he looked around the dark and, yet again, surprisingly, clean house.

After England finished his rant, Japan cut him off from continuing. Both came up with a plan to divide up the house with Japan going one way, taking America's room, the guest room, bathroom and living room while England went the other, taking the dining room, kitchen, the garage and the back yard.

Japan took a glance into the guest room but he saw nothing, slowly he trailed to the bathroom. It was locked, which was odd. He glanced down and saw a gloomy Americat at the corner of the door. Japan bent down and petted him softly. "What's wrong? Miss your master? Don't worry, we'll find him." Japan said softly, earning a saddened purr from the grayish-white soft fluffy cat. Japan stood and continued his search but found nothing.

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