Chapter 8: *New Beginnings for Old Friends*

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((I know, I'm such a mean person. Oooo- JK. But sorry for making you wait so long... I finished this two days ago but I had my girlfriend edit it(Thank you for that Honey~) cause, come on, I suck a writing when I really try but when I don't try at all(or read a whole bunch of fanfiction's and fangirl like crazy), I'm the fucking best.
Also I didn't have a title and couldn't decide wether to call it Chapter 7.5 or Chapter 8 so I would of called it both but whatevs- Call it what you will, This is the last chapter so.... I really hope you enjoy it and talk to you at the end of the chapter.))

Amelia left, just like Japan predicted. When she did, he cleaned his house from top to bottom, inside and out. Then he bathed the animals, ensuring to bathe himself right after as he felt filthy.

He then slipped into some casual clothing and waited for Amelia to arrive home because she was due anytime.

When she arrived, her golden hair was even shorter and curlier that it was when she left but in one way or another, it fit. Both greeted each other happily and went off to spend the day together.

*~*~After a fun and amusing day out for the couple~*~*

Japan and Amelia arrived home with smiles plastered to their faces. Right after arriving from the park, they began to chat about the wonderful lunch they had right before watching a funny movie Japan had found online. They then went on a short walk. The blonde girl giggled as she proceeded to bring up an entertaining event that had happened; the two has promised to keep it between themselves only.

". . And how he walked! Ugh!" Amelia's pearly whites shone, a laugh escaping her lips. Japan joined in, chuckling as well.

"Yes. It was funny to watch." He said in agreement as he sat down on the couch.

Amelia set her purse down on the chair. She sat next to him and kissed his cheek, letting her laugh subside for the time being. Her mouth smoothed into a soft, caring smile. "Yeah... It was fun. Thank you for going." Amelia whispered.

Japan nodded. "Anything." He said, before glancing at his watch.

It's 2:47..... I should get ready... Japan thought with a sigh.

Amelia's smile quickly faded as she knew he was going to have to leave. She then stood and cleared her throat. "I'll get your suit ready for you." Mumbling, Amelia padded into their room. She then pulled out the suit that Japan had worn to America's funeral all those years ago. Amelia laid it out neatly on the bed, preparing it so that he could change when he was ready. This was a fixed habit that occurred every year.

Japan murmured a small 'thank you' to his somber girlfriend. He got undressed out of his casual clothes, changing into his black suit. It came with a navy blue tie that America had gifted him with, for some reason. He had always wanted to ask why, but Japan knew better than to do so, so he let his curiosity be. He had never worn it unless it was for special occasions such as America's formal birthday parties, really important meetings, or funerals. Otherwise, it stayed neatly ironed, pressed, and folded in his drawer.

When finished, the Japanese man checked the time. 3:04pm..... I need to get his dozen roses. Japan reminded himself. Walking out of the room, he grabbed his house keys and a few other things he would want or need. Which wasn't much.

Amelia watched him run in and out of their room for a few more times. He paid her no mind, like she was invisible or something. Slowly, she trailed out and sat on the couch. She continued to watch him with a blank expression as he rushed back and forth. The more the blonde watched him, the more her hurt feelings boiled inside.

She knew Japan loved her a lot but sometimes it felt like he would always compare her to the old America. He would disapprove of her in every way, often causing her to feel unwanted and useless. He would then act like nothing bad had occurred. It confused her and upset her to the point where she really had wanted to end their relationship because it felt like Japan was attempting to change her into the old America and that he couldn't accept her for who she was.

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