Chapter 6: *The Funeral*

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((Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa, Happy Holidays, or just Happy winter break! Just all that Jazz. XD Here's your present! Another chapter! And Yes. There's one more chapter after this then I'm done with this story.(it may be up in 2 days) But Heyyyyy!! What you all getting for Christmas or whatever? I got a sweet Legend of Zelda Jacket with Links hat for the hood and a beanie from my mom along with a machete and a from my girlfriend, a soft Legend of Zelda blanket (you can tell I love my Zelda and Link things)and belt with a Hetalia Japan wristband. I can't thank her enough. But... Be Jelly! JK XD but tell me. I wanna know.
But as always, enjoy this chapter and send me your feed back. I love it a lot.))

*~*~A few days later, at America's Funeral~*~*

Japan stood next to America's open coffin on the far right, watching person after person ramble on about the man they thought they knew but only him, England, France and Canada knew about the true America.

The Asian nation glanced up to see a few Countries crying silently, one of them England. France tried to comfort him but England just sobbed harder into Frances chest to the point a few people looked at him but then brushed it off when they realized who it was.

After mostly everyone had gone, Japan realized that it was Frances and England's turn to talk. He figured that only France would do the talking but England proved him wrong for he was the first to speak in his broken voice.

"America..." England started. "...was my little brother and a son for years till I started to treat him unfairly. I should of let him go and let him be free like any guardian would of done but.... I was just so scared of losing him to someone else. His first real test of being a nation was going through his big brother for freedom which I am now proud to say that I lost to him, for he became just as great as I hoped he'd be but... We all took him for granted. And..." England had to stop for a gasp of air, trying to hold back warm fresh tears. "And because we did such a thing, he's dead. He's dead and it's all our faults. It's my fault." England screeched as he began to cry on Frances shoulder again.

"Shhhh- mon amour... It's not you're fault. It's no ones." France whispered as he rubbed England's back gently, pecking him softly in the forehead. That's when France led England off the stage and to his seat, both sitting.

Canada was the next to last person to talk. He took his place at the podium and cleared his throat, his voice loud and clear for no one could miss it today. "Alfred had a lot of bad names and reputations around the world. Some he meant to do it for the greater good of his people, and others he didn't mean to do for he was just trying to fix this messed up world we live in. Even the good he did, we looked past it and saw the bad side of it, shoving it back in his face and doubting it. We compliment each other on things but America was the person we alway avoided giving compliments to because we knew it wouldn't effect him in the slightest if we didn't give him any. Well... It did. It's too late to say sorry, it too late to say thanks, it's too late to say 'I love you', it's too late for change." Canada took off his glasses and looked up to keep himself from crying before continuing to speak, particularly to no one in the room. "America, I'm sorry I couldn't stop you this time in your attempt. I promise you though, we will never forget you and the legacy you left behind. We will continue where you left off in making this a better place. I love you Alfie. You will always be the best brother in the world in my book." Canada whispered as he slipped his glasses back on. People nodded and mumbled in agreement.

That's when he stepped down, leaving the podium all for Japan. Slowly, the Asian nation made his way there. He glanced at everyone, reading their moods and feelings which shown in their eyes. All had sadness but most was fake for they probably didn't care that America was gone or the fact they didn't know him so well. That's when Japan felt something built up inside of him, something that made his face flush red. He didn't know what it was for his feelings were all still new to him.

It was.... Hatred? Despise? Disgust?


It was Anger. Pure anger.

Japan ground his teeth together slightly to help him calm down and not lash out at the phonies that were 'sad' for America's death. His America. With a deep breath he began.

"America-san was a cheerful, funny, caring person. He did or tried to help former enemy's and partners rebuild after wars, both civil and world wars. He was like no other person and no one can replace him in all life times. He might of seemed like he was obnoxious and selfish in our own definitions but... Who isn't at one time or another? He treated others before himself in anyway he could. He made sure they were safe before saving himself." Japan paused as he cleared his throat and wiped the warm tears that were rolling down his cheeks as he spoke. While speaking, he thought of all the times America helped him in wars or when he hurt himself on accident, America was always there. During World War Two.... America made sure he was safe before and after the war... Even though they were enemy's and even if America was the cause of his pain during the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, he made him into something much better even thought Japan didn't want it. No matter, he always helped him to the best of his abilities.

Japan took a deep breath. "I have first hand experience with his kind, loving and giving nature which I was too dumb to see that he liked me the whole time for he did this and that for me. I just didn't think this was going to happen to him in the end." Japan bit his lip to calm himself down more so he wouldn't cry or yell out at the countries in front of him but when he looked up and at them to see their 'sad' and, what looked like to be, fed up faces, he broke. "Most everyone here didn't know the real America like we did. All you saw was a man, A man that you could use for your own selfish benefits. You all thought that he though that he was SO much better than you. He didn't think like that! He knew he was just like everyone else with normal problems and when everyone kept putting him down, it made him lower than low. He didn't feel like a Country, or a man, or a child, or anything! That's why we are here... Now every country here thinks 'free land'! NO! I will defend America's land from anyone who tries to invade till the person who takes his place comes and then I will protect them from any harm that will come... For...." Japan trailed off to silence. As he spoke he got this warm, loving feeling inside that douse his anger.

Everyone sat in suspense and shock as they waited for Japan to continue. This was so unlike him. They figured that America's death changed him, just like it slightly changed Canada, making him more out spoken and louder.

When Japan was finally ready, he, yet again, continued calmly. "For I will love them like I loved America and hopefully.... They will accept my feelings an return them. Of course it won't be the same but...... I'm sure America would want this." He whispered. Slowly he turned and walked over to America's dark navy blue coffin and leaned in gently. Placing a soft tender kiss on his cold pale lips, whispering his 'goodbye' before gripping the lid and closing it softly. He then turned to the crowed with the same expressionless face that he usually wears but with dried tear stained cheeks and glossy eyes.

"He was, and foreverly will be, the hero." Japan stated firmly before he turned at left the church without stopping or looking back to see everyone's stunned faces.

The Hero, Depressed?حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن