Entry 42

953 60 31

Dear fucking assholes,

So, The blonde bitch said I couldn't have his hands.

Fuck that shit.

Also, why the fuck is Zetsu always trying to eat me, I am sorta confused.

I hate that plant, he tries to eat everybody!

One time he tried to eat Kakuzu, I think I told you that already.
And like I told you already, If anybody was to kill Kakuzu, It would be me of course.

Anyway, Im fuckin' bored, Bird brain won't talk to me, Tobi is fucking himself over by trampling on Zetsu's garden. The money fag is counting, LIKE ALWAYS. Leader and Konan are somewhere? Kisame is training, and the ugly art duo are arguing AGAIN.

I swear they have been arguing all day, I can't hear myself think.

I swear, its sexual frustration I tell you. I bet zetsu is on some of the viagra Fishy takes, fucking tryna eat us all day.

I wonder if Sharky drugged Blondie and tree ass.

We are so fucked up, well not me, im perfectly normal.

All I need is jashin to he normal, without him, I would be screwed.

Not literally

Anyway, I need to secretly put back the dango I stole from Itachi and ate.

Maybe I should grab cotton balls, a stick, and some paint, and make that a dango stick to replace it.

Haha, guess what, I stole some of that brats clay, and secretly stuck it to the toilet in my room.

Next time the bitch goes to blow something up in his room, it'll blow up mine and Kakuzu's toilet.

Luckily, Im not using ours till it happens.

So long Kakuzu, prepare for a burnt ass.


- The most faithful follower, Hidan🩸

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