Chapter 7

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Demi's POV

I received a message from Charlotte asking what my name is and I have no idea how to respond. If I say Demi, she may not like me or my music and think differently about asking me to help her. If she is a fan, she might not focus on being rescued anymore. I don't want to lie to her, but her safety is more important than knowing who I am for now. I decide to text her back.

Hey Charlotte. You can call me Diana. Do you ever go by Charlie? Please let me know if you find out any other information. I have contacted the police and we are trying to find you. Stay strong for me.

I know it's not right to lie and I hate doing it, but I can't risk anything. The police still think this may be a joke and that she ran away due to being bullied, but I know Charlotte is telling the truth. I have stopped recording my next album in the studio so that I can focus on helping her and it is my top priority now.

Charlotte's POV

Mark keeps coming into my "room" at random times, so I don't think it's the best idea to check my phone. I'm really afraid of him and the fact that he is worse than Ben terrifies me. I don't want to make Mark angry because I know that I will get hit, but I can't help trying to defend myself. Mark told me that once Shannon gets back he is going to leave and Ben will have to deal with me. 

I suprisingly miss my long walks home from school, but the thing I miss the most is listening to music and being at home with my Mom. I was always complaining about being bullied and thought nothing could get worse in my life, but look what happened to me. I believe things happen for a reason, so I guess there must be a reason why I'm being tortured here. 

I want to text the number more info, but I haven't been let out of my room since Shannon left. Ben says it's been around a month since I've been here, but I think it's been way longer. I know it could be a lot worse, but it still isn't the best situation to be in.

I hear screaming right outside the door that sounds like Mark and immediately sit up and wait for him to open the door.

"Wow the bitch is finally up!" he screams while flinging the door open.

I decide not to respond for my own good.

"Do you have any idea what time it is? Forget it, you're pathetic. It's 5 PM! PM! Who gets up at this hour?!" Mark questions annoyed.

"I-I-I'm sorry," I mumble.

"Not good enough dumbass. You'll never be good enough. God sometimes I think about letting you leave because you would never make it home. But I'd rather see you suffer with my own eyes," he growls.

"Just shut up," I whisper.

"What was that whore?" he snaps.

"I didn't say anything."

Within seconds he punches me in the stomach and leaves. I feel like I'm going to throw up and my vision is blurred. Why does he have to be so violent? 

After I can finally feel my stomach again, I grab my phone to see that I have a text and quickly read it.

Her name is Diana and she wants more information, but I barely have any. I reply hoping that he won't come back soon.

Hi. There is another man by the name of "Mark" who is very violent and keeps hitting me. My mom sometimes calls my Charlie, so if that's easier for you, please call me Charlie. Shannon, Ben's wife, is on a business trip and should be back tomorrow. Thank you for everything and for trying to help me.

I'm hoping Shannon comes back in the morning and that Mark leaves as soon as she comes back. I really hope that I get rescued becaue I can't imagine living the rest of my life like this.

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