Chapter 8

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Charlotte's POV

I woke up a little early this morning because I think Shannon is coming back today and I want to be ready. I got a text from Diana saying that I should text her if I have any more information, but I should keep it to a minimum because she's afraid someone might see my phone and take it away. I'm waiting in the darkness for Shannon or Ben to open the door and I'm beginning to feel anxious. 

Within minutes, I hear humming walk past the door and recognize Shannon's voice. Thank god. The humming becomes more distant and it's followed by stomping towards me. Must be Ben, I thought to myself. 

"Look whose alive unfortunately," he snickers.

"I can say the same about you," I mumble back.

"Hey! If Shannon wasn't home yet I would have knocked the shit out of you. Don't act like a total asshole to me or you will be sorry," he began, pacing around the small area.

"Don't look tired. She's been asking where you are and I don't want to give her any hints. I said you were helping me clean out the attic. Now get up and come with me!" he orders and places his hand tightly around my shoulder.

What a total jackass. Tells me what to do as if I'm the problem. He should look at himself for once. I just need to eat something and see Shannon. 

"Oh my word! It feels like forever hunny!" she welcomes me in open arms.

"I know right? I missed you!"

"Are you hungry? Do you want something to eat?" she offers.

"Sure! I would love anything you are able to make for me without any trouble, thank you!"

She walks around the kitchen and finds the ingredients she needs to make me my favorite meal as I told her when I had first "arrived". Grilled cheese with tomato and chips on the side. Mom used to always make that for me everyday after school and it gave me something to look foward to, even during the bad days. 

I remember one time on the bus some kid was making fun of me for not having a father or something. He started throwing all of his trash at me and other kids joined in. There was food in my hair, but I didn't mind that as much as the words they were using. I was called worthless, disgusting, ugly, a nobody, etc. The food was washed out of my hair as soon as I got home, but those cruel words never left me. 

I realize I'm staring into space when I hear Shannon's voice in a muffled tone.

"Are you alright?" she asks concerned.

"Yeah, sorry. I was just thinking," I reply trying not to make it obvious that I'm upset.

She continues making the sandwich as Ben watches the both of us, making sure I don't say anything I'm not supposed to. 

After about 15 minutes, I eat my lunch and decide to watch some tv, not knowing when I will be able to have some actual entertainment again. 

Out of nowhere, I have a brilliant idea. I can put on the news and see if anyone is talking about me being missing. I immediately start changing the channels until I got to the news. I start watching casually until Ben approaches me with a pissed off look on his face. 

"I'm sorry. We don't watch the news in this house. I believe it brings negative energy into our minds and we wouldn't want that, right?" he questions in a higher pitched voice.

I shake my head no, not knowing what else to say. He mouths nice try and sits down next to me, aggressively taking the remote out of my reach so that I can only watch one of those courtroom shows. 

He wants to talk about negative energy. How about the fact that he kidnapped me and treats me like some kind of animal, huh? Negative energy..I'll show him what negative energy really is. I wish I could just scream and tell Shannon everything. I don't want her suffering, though.

Shannon tells Ben that she has to do some work in the study, and he replies by saying that we will be working in the attic and not to worry.

I know what that means, back to my hellhole. 

Ben jerks his head toward the direction of the small room and gestures for me to follow him.

"Screw you, Ben," I mumble under my breath. 

Hey guys! So Shannon is back and so is Ben...will Charlotte have any other clues to give to Demi? How will the absence of Charlotte around the house cause Shannon to think? Keep reading to find out and thank you for everything.

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