Chapter 14

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Demi's POV 

It's been around a month since I have received a text from Charlotte, and I'm beginning to feel really nervous. I'm afraid that she may have been moved somewhere else, someone may have found the phone, or worse. I tried tallking to the police, but their only explanation was that the sick kid playing this prank got bored. I cannot believe they are not taking this seriously when there is a child involved. I can't imagine what her mother is going through, and they won't even give me her number so that I can share the information I have.

I'm not giving up, though. Would it be easier to assume someone would eventually find her? Yes. But I care about her, and the fact that her life and future are basically in my hands makes me care even more. I feel like she is my sister or something, it's the strangest feeling.

I russle my hand through my short dark brown hair and pace around my bedroom nervously. There is so much going on right now.

So much to think about. 

I am supposed to be on tour right now, but I'm trying to find a girl who I don't personally know that has been kidnapped. I never saw this coming. I told my fans that I was taking a personal break and have pushed back the tour for that reason because I don't want to worry them.

I especially don't want her kidnappers knowing that I may know where she is. The fact that I have to watch my every move or something may happen to her is terrifying. 

Sometimes I swear that this is the plot to an unrealeased drama that people would be too afraid to watch. 

The bits of information I have are not very helpful, but I did find something that could help.

I was searching the Internet to find pictures of the Robert and Shannon I told Charlotte about and came across a picture of their house as well. 

There was no address, but I'm sure I can find one. 

I was not able to see the interior, however, the house was brick and looked as though it was surrounded by woods. There seems to be a small barn in the back of the house that Charlotte had mentioned only briefly. 

I want to find the address to this home and scope it out myself, but I fear that it may be too suspcious and risky if anyone sees me. 

I think I am going to go to the gym to get my mind off of this for a little while.


Charlotte's POV

Ben is back. 

He brought us some stale bread and a few pieces of rotten fruit. I know this is scary to say, but the cafeteria food in my school is gourmet compared to this crap. 

I know I should be grateful to have food, but if we are shoved in here and treated like animals we should at least be fed well. 

He hit Debra for the first time because she started to make noise and cry out for help. Of course, he could not risk Shannon hearing anything, so he knocked her out right then and there. It was horrifying for me to see someone else go through what I had been experiencing myself. The pain and agony on her face before he lifted up his sweaty hand and connected it with her face keeps replaying in my head.

Ben also had gotten angry with me and started hitting me with my book, causing papers to fall out of the binding. I tried to put it together, but since it was night time, I couldn't see very well and eventually gave up. 

The days seem to become longer and longer as time goes on. I still cannot believe I thought I was bored when I was at home.  

I have never been so bored and scared in my entire life. 


The door flings open as fast as possible and Ben stumbles his way into our "room". 

He's drunk.

"I-I cannot be-believe t-that I have t-to d-deal with two of you," he growls.

Debra gives him a disturbed look for a second, but then fixes her expression, knowing how fast his mood can change.

He hair used to be very wavy and the prettiest shade of red. It is now all dried out and knotty.

Freckles still cover her upper cheeks, but they compliment her nicely. Her clothes are now torn, faded and discolored. 

And if someone so pretty and fashionable looks this way, I can't imagine what I look like, nor do I want to know.

The whole time I have been here, I have avoided looking at myself. If my self esteem drops anymore than what it is now, it's not going to be good.

Suddenly, Ben starts laughing with his usual evil laugh that Debra has never heard before. I can tell by the way her body is trembling that she is frightened. 

We remain huddled next to each other in the corner, preparing for whatever may happen in the next few moments. 

He gives us one last look and charges toward us. Fortunately, he's too drunk to aim and actually hit us. 

Instead, he spits on us both a few times violently and leaves the room. 


Hi! Sorry for the last chapter before this being so short, it was kind of a filler and something to lead up to Demi's POV, which was definetly needed at this point of the story. Just to recap: Debra and Charlotte are still kidnapped in the room and Ben is back. Demi has a few pieces of evidence, but not enough. I can't wait to share the rest of this story with you all. Thank you for everything and don't forget to add this to your library for updates.

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