Figure it out - Evys' POV

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I bury my face into my dad's coat and sob silently. I don't want to go away. I want to stay with dads. 

"Dad...?" I mumble.

"...Yeah, kiddo?" He answers solemnly. 

"You an' Red... You're not gonna split up are ya?" I sob. The thought of them leaving makes my heart throb in pain.

"No no no... Me an' Red just need time to figure things out, honey." He assures me. 

"How long am I gonna have to stay at Pap's?" I ask nervously.

"... I don't know, Kiddo... I don't know..."


After a 20 min. car ride we arrive at uncle Pap's house. He and Edge started a restaurant together so they thought it would be easier to share a house. The bought a nice, big house just outside of Snowdin. Frisk lives with them too, but she's rarely here anymore. 

"We're here, Evys." Sans whispers to me.

"I know, Dad." The house has three floors and a basement. The top floor was Pap's because they had a kitchen installed there, the bottom floor was Frisk's because she has to leave early, the basement is Edge's because it's darker down there, and the second floor is where me, Sans, and Red stay when we visit.

"EVYS!" Papyrus rushes out of the car to greet us. "HOW ARE YOU?"

"I'm fine, Paps."

"Hey, little shit!" Edge calls from the doorway. "Welcome back."

"EDGE DON'T CUSS IN FRONT OF HER!!" Paps scolds at Edge.

"She's a big girl now, Papyrus. She probably heard all the cuss words from my brother anyway." Edge counters. At the mention of Red I can't see San's expression harden. Edge walks up to the car to talk to Sans about my diet,  bedtime, and allergies.

"COME, EVYS! WE PREPARED THE ROOM FOR YOU!" Pap's pulls me out of the car and carries me to the house, laughing the whole way. He charges upstairs and practically throws me into my room. The ceiling is covered in planets and stars. A TV hangs over my bed and speakers play megalovemania (My favorite).

"Wow, Paps!" I exclaim. "This is amazing!"


"I love it, Paps. Thank you." I hug him tightly. 

"Wow, Kiddo. They really redecorated in here." Sans exclaims as he enters the room.

"Isn't it awsome?" I shout, flopping on my bed.

"It really is. I gotta go now, but I'm sure you'll have fun." He sighs. My heart sinks at the sight of him leaving.

"Can't you stay here?" I ask, blinking back tears.

"I'm sorry kiddo, but someone has to baby sit Red, ya know?" He jokes. Normally I would have laughed but not today. I hug him tightly.

"I'll miss you." I whisper.

"I'll miss ya too, Kiddo." He hugs me back. "I love ya."

Forgive - A Kustard Story (The Second Book of "Kustard")Where stories live. Discover now