That Is The Last Straw

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That Is The Last Straw

Chapter 15

Liam's POV

        I'm honestly so proud of Louis. He wanted to join the soccer team so badly and we went after his desire. As soon as he tryed out, the coach immediately told him that he was captain and I couldn't have been happier for him. Anyways, he had a important practice today and I've been dying to ask him about how it went. He should be back pretty soon. I decide to pull out my phone in the meantime and check my messages. I have one from my mum, one from my aunt, and one from Niall. I read the one from my mum first. It says:

Hi Li, it's mum. Just wanted to say that I miss you and I hope that you'll call me soon. Hope everything is going well. Also, make sure you do all of your coursework and don't go to too many parties. I love you. -Mum <3

        I reply back with:

Hi mum. Everything is going fine and I'll call you as soon as I get the chance. Also, I'm doing all of my coursework, not going to any parties, and staying true to myself. Though, I did get a wonderful boyfriend. I'd love you for to meet him sometime. His name is Louis Tomlinson by the way. I love you and talk to you soon. <3 -Li

        I read the message from my aunt. It says and I quote: Hi 

I respond back with: Hi

I open and read the final new message, which is from Niall. 

Hi mate. I hope everything is going well. I haven't seen you and Louis much the past couple days. Hope to see you guys soon. Text me back when you can. -Niall

I respond back with:

Hey Niall, everything is going fine. The reason you haven't seen much of me is I've been catching up on coursework and Louis' been at soccer practice just about everyday this week. We both miss you too mate and we'll see you soon. -Liam

        I hit send and Louis walks in at the exact moment. I smile and run up to him. I throw my arms around him and pull him in for a hug. Louis dosen't hug me back and I know that something is wrong. There is a sad look plastered on his face. I sit down on the sofa and gesture for him to sit next to me and he does. Louis sighs. I look straight at him. "Lou I know you and I know when you're upset. Please tell me what's wrong babe." He looks at me with a face filling up tears. "Everything is wrong Li. I don't know what to do anymore." I look at him with a puzzled expression. "What do you mean everything is wrong and you don't what to do anymore?" 

        "Li, when I was practice today, I glanced towards the football because I was scared that Harry would notice and he did. He gave me a death stare. I had to do everything in my power not to lost it during practice." I'm going to hit that asshole in the face. He knows that I want him to leave Louis and I alone, especially Louis. "Oh Li did I mention that Harry got his friend who I think is named Zayn Malik to laugh at me too?" I frown. "Lou, I'm going to go to the chancelor first thing in the morning and report them both. I want both of them to get into big trouble, especially Harry. I don't want them to hurt you physically. I'm honestly scared that they're secretly planning something." Louis nods and I take that as a yes that he wants me to report them. Tomorrow is definitely going to be a long day between classes and having to file this report against Harry and Zayn.

Hoped that you guys liked this chapter. :) -Mary

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