I'm Sorry That He Did This To You

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I'm Sorry That He Did This To You

Chapter 28

Harry's POV

      Hearing the wailing sobs that are coming out of Louis' mouth are absolutely heart wrenching. I knew from the first time that I met Liam that he would find some way to hurt Louis. Liam just has that mean streak persona to him. "Louis, where are you right now?" He sniffles a bit and takes a shaky breath. "I'm sitting in the back stairwell at the end of the hall." I hang up the phone and run as feet as my feet can me. A minute later, I'm at the door of the stairway and I see Louis sitting with his head in his hands. I open the door and he looks up immediately. He wipes his tears away, probably in the hopes that I wouldn't have to see him cry.

        "Louis, I'm so sorry that this happened to you. Liam is an abusive, heartless dick. I'm disgusted by the way he treats people and I honestly could knock his teeth out right now." Louis laughs a little bit and so do I. "Harry, I'm sorry for calling you so late and blubbering like a baby into the phone. I know we just became friends recently and I don't want to weird you out or anything." I wrap an arm around him and pull him in for a hug. "Louis you don't bother me nor will you ever. You're my friend and I care about you. I'm going to do everything my power to protect you from Liam.  I'm going to file a report to the chancelor in the morning. He needs to be stopped before he does anymore damage to anyone else."

        "Harry.... don't. If he gets reported, he'll know that you filed it and he'll come after you. I don't want him hurting you Harry." I smirk. "Liam won't do crap to me. When it comes to me, he's all talk. My priority is keeping you safe and I'm sure your friend Niall as well as Zayn would help me to ensure that as well." Louis nods. "Louis, would you like to stay in my dorm for the night until we can figure out how to deal with Liam tomorrow?" He nods again and together we walk back to my dorm. 

Hope that you guys liked this chapter. :) -Mary


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