Will I Last?

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Will I Last?

Chapter 57

Louis' POV

 Zayn and I have been sitting around waiting for Harry to come back for what feels like hours, but it's only been an hour and a half. I'm worried about him because normally he leaves a note for me, calls, or texts me when goes out, but he hasn't. Zayn looks at me. "Do you think he's okay?" I sigh. "I honestly don't know Zayn. I hope he comes back." I think God answered my prayer because a moment later, I hear a knock at the door. The knock is loud, but not overbearing. I know that knock anywhere. It's Harry. I open the door and fling my arms around me. 

  Harry looks surprised by this, but hugs me back. Zayn sits up in his bed. He's the first the one to speak. "Where were you Harry? Normally you tell us when you're going out, but you didn't. Louis and I were worried sick about you. He looks at the ground. "I'm sorry. I just needed a little bit of time to myself. I love both of you guys, but I occasionally want to be alone." I rub his cheek. "That's understandable baby. I'm sorry Zayn and I freaked out so much, well mostly me." He smiles at both of us and returns the cheek rubbing gesture. "It's okay baby. It's just nice to know that I have an awesome best friend and a perfect and loving boyfriend that care about my whereabouts. Anyways, I needed to tell you guys something."

     "What is it Harry?" I ask him. "I ran into Maura on my way back to the room. She told me that the funeral is two days from now, which is Wednesday. That dosen't give us much time to prepare ourselves though." I immediately go pale at the fact that only two days from now, I have to say goodbye to my best friend forever. I'd never thought I'd lose Niall soon and Wednesday is the last time I will ever see his face before he gets buried in the ground under a tombstone. The only memories I have left of him are his Penn State sweatshirt, a few pictures, and the note that he left in his sweatshirt pocket after I found his lifeless body. I read that note every night and cry true tears of sorrow. I just hope I can make it until Wednesday. Not wanting to listen to what anyone else has to say tonight, I flop down on to Harry and I's bed. I let a dreamless sleep take over me and I'm asleep within minutes.

Hoped that you guys liked this chapter. :) -Mary

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