Sinister's Luck

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(Full English Version)

Every medicine he prescribed has a short shelf life but his profession, as a Doctor, will last forever. Just like his memories together with his parents. It will be cherished and without it, he'll not achieve his dreams.

He turned off his phone and got out of his car. He entered the lifeless colored-gray surroundings. The odd scent of dried and arid flowers infiltrated inside his body system. He doesn't like the kind of eerie vicinity. Then, when he thought he was already there, his forehead abruptly pulsated.

There was a sudden flashing of different memories inside his head while he was walking towards his parents. He breathe deeply. He did not bother the trembling of his body especially to his hands and knees.

When he reached his destination, he removed the dried bouquet of flower and replaced a new one, he also lighted his candle and the other dwindling candles there, he also removed his gray tuxedo and remained the white long sleeve that revealed his body figure.

He sat down on his parent's sepulchre. A tear suddenly formed into the corner of his eyes, then a sobbing tuned up. He removed his eyeglasses. It's his first time to show his vulnerability towards his parents in the long run of their enclosures when he's not into job.

"Pa..Ma.. Forgive me..." He uttered in the verge of his sobbing and while bowing his head. He let his tears dropped on his pants.

"You did not tell me you're sicked." He stopped hitting his own self. He peeved his self. Because whatever he makedo, he will never bring them to life.

"What's the use of my successes now? You have gone, now I'm all alone! You left me alone! You did it once and you did it again for fvcking twice!" his grudges got out of his heavy chest that hidden for how many years.

He looked on his father's name which engraved on the marbled-tombstone. He touched it. Suddenly, a flashback visualized inside his head, a memory that he tried to forget at the very time has cruelly returning.

"You're such a dumbass!" the favorite line of his father tensed inside his head whenever he made a shallow mistakes. A stench of the past suddenly alluded. His fist suddenly formed.

"You hardheaded!" when he was whacked using a belt.

"Asshole!" when he was slapped.

"Stupid brat!" when he was kicked off.

"Such a bad luck to have you!" when he was spitted by his father.

At a very young age, he suffered a lot of pain and depression caused by his departed father but it didn't stop him to dream high.

"You'll be proud of me someday, Ma, Pa..." he whispered beneath his breath while reminiscing what he attained.

He can still remember the day when his father scolded and whipped him because he forgot to keep his cot wherein he arrived at school with an enticing eye bags which made him uglier and funnier in the eyes of those judgmental crowd without knowing what was lurking behind.

"Woah! Pennywise is that you?" someone blurted out that made everyone laugh. It's insulting.

"Brokenhearted feels? Hmm? Who'd wrongly love you for Pete's sake!?" one of his classmate cheered in the hallway that made everyone disgust.

He ignored all of them and seated at the corner of the room where his comfort zone could be found.

The time had passed and because of his maturity, he'd built-up his sturdiness. His sophomore life lightened up his melancholic world and revealed new opportunities and encountered reality which challenge him more.

Sana [✓] (Compilation Of Short Stories)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant