Script No. 1: Falling for my words

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Hello, reader. Can I call you that? Reader? I'm sure it'll work until I can get to know you better. Now, I guess you're here because you'd like to go into a nice, warm, blissful trance. I won't keep you from it any longer.

Now, in order for you to reach your goal of a mindless, comfortable trance, you'll need to help me as I talk to you. After all, you do want to be in that trance, don't you?


Now, Start off my simply taking a deep, big breath. In fact, get into a rhythm. Inhaling, counting to three, and then exhaling. Let's try it with the rhythm, letting my words help you grasp the rhythm. Read my words at your own pace.


Keep doing that. Breathe in and out, to the rhythm. You can already feel yourself starting to slow down, starting to relax. Embrace this newfound calmness as you feel your heartbeat slow down.




 Feel how as the air flows into you, you feel your worries from today slowly flowing in as well. They've been floating around you, and you have never realized how awful they make you feel.



Now, as you have all of these negative feelings all stored up, your anxieties, your frustrations, and even a little bit of your own resistance, I want for you to blow them all out through a nice, calming breath. Are you ready, Reader?


Now, Breathe.

Inhale. Draw in a large breath, taking in the rest of your negative thoughts and emotions.


There we go. Feel all of those annoyingly negative feelings leave your mind. You can even feel a piece of your resistance drift away as well.

Keep breathing, In and Out. Keeping the rhythm in the back of your mind.


Soon you realize that having resistance in your mind doesn't feel good either.

It clutters up your mind.
It keeps you from what you want.
It's annoying.
It's keeping you from your trance.

Oh, right. Your trance.

How bad do you really want this trance? How strong is your desire to be in a state of pure, mindless bliss? To not want to think, to simply want to drift in a nice and warm state of trace? Is it enticing to you? Do you crave it?

Do you want it?
Do you need it?

You do?

Then allow me to help you reach that goal. Allow me to be your guide into a nice, soft, comfortable trance.
Allow me to help rid your mind of that annoying, unpleasant resistance.

As you keep breathing, you can feel something in your mind. It's a very small feeling, but a very nice one. It calms you, it soothes you, it relaxes you. You soon realize that this is the feeling of a nice, wonderful Trance.

Of course, it's very faint. You can already imagine how nice it will feel to go fully into trance.

Now, I'm going to give you a trigger. Of course, the meaning of this trigger will change when you're completely in trace, so please do stay until the end.

Your trigger is...

From now on, whenever you hear me say, (or type,) the word Fall, you'll feel this small feeling in the back of your head grow. It feels sooo nice. It feels sooo soothing to just embrace it.

Let's try it, shall we, Reader?

That's it. The feeling of trace has grown larger. It's still small, but twice as larger as it was before. You feel twice as much of this feeling of trance than before.

Twice as relaxed.
Twice as soothed.
Twice as calm.
Twice as deep.

And, now joining these feelings of tranquility,
Twice as Obedient.

This feeling of trance is still too small for you, isn't it? You want more, don't you? Very well then. I'm going to count down from 10 to 0. Every time I drop down a number, you can feel the feelings from this trance become stronger, adding onto every time I say the word Fall.

Fall. Feel everything grow stronger now, the feeling in the back of your head becoming more and more intense.
You can feel the resistance in your mind being pushed out by the wonderful feeling of trance.
You're so relaxed now.
So soothed.
So warm and comfortable.
So obedient to me and my words.
It feels so good to obey. To listen to my voice, to read my words.
My words are everything to you. You want to obey them, you NEED to obey them.
This feeling of Trace, no, MY trance has almost completely filled your mind. Every other thought in your blank little head has been pushed out by this feeling.

This feeling of relaxation.
This feeling of obedience.
This feeling of submission.
This feeling of being mine.

You need this. You can't live without this. You can't live without obeying me.
All you want right now is for me to count down to the final number. All you want right now is to obey my commands. Obeying me makes you feel good. It makes you feel the purest form of happiness imaginable. It makes you want to obey more.

Are you ready?

Here we go then.

Fall. Fall for me. Fall into this deep, mindless trance. You want to obey. Obedience feels so good. The better you feel, the more you want to obey. The more you obey, the better you feel.

Now, let's change what my little trigger means to you.
Rather than being a way to slowly go into trance, whenever you hear me say, read, or use the word Fall, you instantly fall back into this wonderful state of trance.

This state of trance.
This state of submission.
This state of bliss.
This state of obedience.
Of course, I can't keep you in this state of trance forever, much to your dismay. You still have your life to attend to, whatever that may be. Maybe it's your job. Maybe it's your education. Maybe it's something else.

So, when you hear me use the word Rise, you will feel yourself lifted out of my trance.
It leaves you awake, refreshed.

But you still will have the urge to finish reading whatever is in front of you. I don't want you to leave just yet.

Let's try it now.

Rise. Feel yourself float out of trance, into the real world.

Hello, Reader. I just wanted to make sure you're having fun. Awake or not.

And Fall. Feel yourself sinking back into my wonderful trance, feel yourself re-enter the state you were just in. Your mind just stops, dead in it's tracks, eager to obey my words.

Now, I'm going to wake you up.
Oh, don't be sad. You can obey your Master again when he writes his next script.
Or...perhaps even sooner.
I want you to do a couple things for me first.
Of course, you'll do them, right?
You'll do it because you love to obey.
Because you love to please me.
Good slave. You love it when I call you that. It sends a rush of hypnotic pleasure throughout your body.

Now, I want you to leave a comment saying "I have fallen for my Master."

Once that is done, I want you to PM me, telling me how much you want to obey me.

Are you ready?

Goodbye, Reader. Please be sure to come back soon.

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