Act 1: Scene 2

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[Resume in the kitchen. Joseph is cooking a meal. He is humming a soft melody as he does so. Then swap to the living room. Luxia and Sam are sitting together. Sam is on the right side of it and scooted more to the right, obviously uncomfortable. Luxia is on the left side of it.]

Luxia: So, what's the deal with Joseph?

Sam: Well, I found him a few years ago. It was in a town called Colorado Springs. He was just passed out in a small abandoned wood church in the middle of the forest with no memories. He had no ID or anything. I took him in and we have been best buds since then.

[Luxia seems somewhat surprised by that.]

Luxia: So you two aren't a couple?

[Sam blushes a bit and squirms slightly. He stutters slightly as he speaks, now embarrassed as if some past moments came back to memory.]

Sam: We aren't together like that. Sure, he is nice, caring, passionate and he is hot but I am not sure if it would work out.

[Luxia smiles mischievously.]

Luxia: Are you sure? From what I saw, it seems like he really likes you. I don't know if he is into how you look or not but it's okay. You can just charm him.

[Sam stutters as he speaks.]

Sam: Are you sure?

Luxia: Yeah. Any man can be charmed. Plus, you like him a lot, don't you?

Sam: Yeah but what if he doesn't reciprocate it?

Luxia: You shouldn't worry. You should just go for it.

[Sam nods while blushing more.]

Sam: I guess it's worth a shot.

Luxia: Now, how about we get you fitted? I have a few old outfits that can help you charm him.

Sam: Are you sure you are okay with lending your clothes to me for this?

Luxia: Yeah. A girl should support her fellow girl.

[Sam tries to say something but Luxia grabs him by the hand and leads him to her room. They enter, closing the door behind them. The audience doesn't see what happens but they do however hear what is said.]

Luxia: Now hold still while I measure you so I can see if what I have can fit you.

Sam: Okay but be gentle. I am sensitive.

Luxia: I can't get an accurate measurement with your clothes in the way. Can you slide them off real quick?

Sam: Do I have to?

Luxia: Yeah. Don't worry, I ain't into girls anymore.

Sam: Fine.

[5 seconds of silence pass before Luxia screams, half confused and half embarrassed.]

Luxia: Wait, you're a guy?! Why didn't you tell me?

[Sam starts talking quite fast, trying to explain quickly.]

Sam: I am so sorry. I was going to tell you but you didn't give me the chance. I dress like this because the clothes made for girls fit me much better. Plus, they don't make many clothes for cat boys.

[Luxia sighs and takes a second to think.]

Luxia: Okay. That makes sense.

[Joseph walks up to the door.]

Joseph: Okay. They should be here.

[He grabs the handle and twists it but suddenly, time stops. The lights dim as Thomas enters on stage left, holding the same lampshade from earlier in his right hand.]

Thomas: Hey there. Sorry to interrupt the moment. I just wanted to point out that Joseph is here to ask where the spices are. He might not be able to get that out in time. Now that we have that established, let's continue this.

[He walks off stage and the lights go back to normal. Time resumes and Joseph opens the door halfway. His body blocks the view of Luxia's room.]

Joseph: He, sorry to disturb you but where are the sp-

[Joseph is interrupted by Luxia.]

Luxia: The spices are in the cabinet, bottom left.

Joseph: Thanks.

[Joseph closes the door. He then turns to the audience and the lights dim.]

Joseph: I am kind of curious about what they are doing. Hopefully, Luxia wasn't forcing Sam to do anything. Look, it might sound kinda crazy but I have a lot of feelings for Sam and it's so confusing.

[Lights turn back normal and Joseph returns to the kitchen before they dim again as Thomas enters.]

Thomas: Hey everyone, Cause this is the Wattpad version of the story, I will have QnA sessions. Just ask any questions to me, the author or the characters. Your input can change the future of the story. I hope to hear from you all soon. 

A Second ChanceOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz