Act 1: Scene 3, Part 2

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[Cut to the guest bedroom. It is dark outside. The rain is still falling outdoors. Sam is about to get into bed, wearing only the tank top and a pair of underwear. Joseph is stretching in the open space of the room, wearing a plain grey shirt and grey lounge pants. Joseph finishes stretching and turns the light off before he gets into bed with Sam. Sam snuggles up to Joseph and Joseph reciprocates the action. Sam rests his head on Joseph's chest. Joseph rubs Sam's cat ears, causing Sam to purr gently.]

Sam: Joseph, can I ask you something?

Joseph: Sure. What is it?

[Sam seems nervous.]

Sam: Well... Can you promise not to judge me for what I am about to say?

Joseph: I would never judge you. Don't worry.

[Sam suddenly hugs Joseph as tightly as he can.]

Sam: I love you. I really do. I slowly fell for you ever since we met and I started caring for you. Even though it seems like you are the one caring for me most of the time, I still love you with all my heart.

[Joseph lets it sink in for a second before responding. Joseph's voice seems softer and warmer than normal.]

Joseph: Sam, I love you too and I will love you forever and always.

[Joseph holds Sam close right after, giving Sam no time to react. Joseph then kisses Sam passionately. Sam is stunned at first but then starts reciprocating the kiss. They wrap their arms around each other as they start making out. As Joseph slides Sam's shirt off, fade to full darkness. Thomas walks on stage with a weak spotlight following him.]

Thomas: I am sorry but the rest of this part cannot be shown to this crowd on the current release due to part of the project's nature. I can, however, confirm a few things. Yes, they did the deed if it wasn't obvious. Yes, they both are the age of consent. Sam is 19 and Joseph is 18. No, I cannot give any explicit, graphic or lewd details on this. I am deeply sorry about it. Now if you excuse me.

[Thomas runs off stage, a small look of fear in his eyes.]

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