Bonus scene 1

6 0 0

Tom: Hello there. I am the author of this play. This all is great but the more I work and polish it up, the more I find to fix. I am sorry about all the flaws. To compensate, I decided to make something for you all. Its Joseph's stats. This will hint at some of the stuff later in the book but not enough to spoil it. If any reader plays Fate/Grand Order, then you should recognize the format for this. 


3* Berzerker

HP: 14100

Atk: 9300

Star Rate: 10.5%

NP Gain: 4%

Command Cards: QQAAB

Hit Counts: 3 Hit Quick/2 Hit Arts/1 Hit Buster/8 Hit Extra

NP Type: Buster

NP Name: Critical Strike

    Extremely powerful attack to a single enemy [Level]

NP Name: Rage of The Forgotten (After all training quests are complete.)

    Extremely powerful attack to a single enemy [Level]

    Increase NP damage of party (2 turns) [Overcharge]


Strength : C+

Endurance : A+

Agility : A+

Mana : D-

Luck : C

NP : C+

Active Skills:
Charisma B

    Increase party's attack

Battle Continuation A  (Unlock after Act 2: Scene 5)

    Grants self Guts status for 1 time, 5 turns.

Eternal Flame (Hope) EX   (Unlock after Act 7)

    Increases party's defense for 3 turns.

    Charges party's NP gauge by 10%.

Passive Skills:

Independent Action B

    Increases own critical damage by 8%

Riding A   (Unlock after Act 2)

    Increases own Quick performance by 10%.

Mad Enchantment D   (Unlocked after Act 4: Scene 3)

    Increases own Buster performance by 5%.

Tom: There. I hope you all like it. While I keep working on polishing this play up and work with what you all want more and more, I will try making stats for more characters like Lucy or maybe even Vulter. 

[Thomas goes on stage and yells at Tom.]

Thomas: Dude, don't say those names yet. Remember, we didn't put those parts up yet. 

[Tom thinks for a second.] 

Tom: Oh yeah. I nearly forgot. Sorry. I better go before I spoil anything. 

[Tom heads off stage]

Thomas: Sorry about that. The author has been balancing this work with a lot of other stuff and recently, one of his old friends that he hung out with online passed away. He doesn't like talking about things like that. He has lost people to suicide before and be always feels horrible and is unmotivated for a while. He always tries to help his friends but it only makes it worse when his help fails and they pass away. If you ever feel down, talk to your friends. They will cheer you up. If you are thinking about ending your life, please get some help. Those that have caused those feelings in you won't feel bad cause you are gone. Suicide only hurts the ones that care about you. Now I have to go cheer Tom up before he either starts eating a lot to try to forget about it does something he regrets. 

[Thomas runs off stage. End scene here.]

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2020 ⏰

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