Chapter 4

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"Finish your food. Then you can go back out and play," Krystall's mom told her as she sat down at the dining table.

Hopefully, as days go by, I will figure out why Krystall's mom is so hesitant about leaving, Jack thought to himself as he waited for Krystall to finish eating.

Suddenly, there was a growl, and Jack realized that he was hungry and needed to find something to eat.


"Yes, honey?"

"Jack's tummy is hungry. Can you make him a plate too?"

The mother smiled and asked, "What would your Guardian Angel like?"

Is she joking or being serious? Then he remembered a kid a few years back, who had an imaginary friend, and saw that the mom thought the imaginary friend "being hungry" excuse was to get a second helping of a popsicle.

I bet she's thinking that same thing the boy's mom was.

"What do you want to eat, Jack," Krystall asked?

He smiled down at her then answered, "she doesn't have to. I can find something elsewhere."

"But she said that she would make you something." She heard Jack's stomach growl again. "You can't play when you're hungry."

Jack chuckled, "All right. I'll have one of everything you're having."

"He said he will have one of everything."

Her mom made a small laugh, "is that all he would like?"

"Yes," she answered.

"Okay." The mother kept the smile on her face as she took one more bite of her pancake before getting up to make Jack some breakfast.

"Is daddy going to eat with us?"

"Remember, he eats a little bit later than us," the mom answered, with barely any emotion in her voice.

Once she reheated the stove, she sat back down to finish her food.


A few minutes passed, and Jack's breakfast was ready.

Both Krystall and her mom already finished their food.

"Wow! Thank you, Mrs. Henry," Jack smiled. It was his first time being given food by a human, and he wasn't going to let that go to waste.

"Hey, kiddo, I can't eat with her here," Jack told Krystall. "Remember, adults can't see me. So, me eating in front of them might cause alarm."

"Jack says thank you, and can't eat with you watching."

"All right sweetheart, I'll be in the living room," the mom said as she placed the empty dishes in the dishwasher.


"That was an excellent breakfast," Jack said, as he and Krystall now stood by the backdoor.

"Mommy is good at making lots of food," Krystall answered with a smile.

"That's always a plus," Jack smiled back, as he fixed her hair tucked in her coat.

Then with a hunted expression, consoled, "We don't have to go back outside if you're too scared to. We can play in your room."

"I want to finish the igloo."

"Are you sure?"

"I want to get the igloo ready."

He really hated that she, and other kids alike, had to fear their own family member.

He was in a conundrum trying to figure out how he was supposed to protect this sweet girl, and how many years he may have to stay by her side.

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