Chapter 6: Never Quit Bouncing

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Walking into the training yard with no sleep was a bit of a drawl, especially when the aches from the previous day were there. As I entered, I saw my brother warming up with some stretches on the bamboo equipment in the morning sun, yet it was obvious he was stuck. Chuckling, I walk over to him and ruffle his fur to get his attention.
"Morning Po, nice to see you're getting ready for today" I laughed, punching and kicking an ironwood tree for practice. The wood creaked and splintered under the force.
"Wha? Uh, yeah! Just stretching! Totally..." Po mumbled, averting his eyes but a small smile was evident. It wasn't uncommon for Po to get stuck like this. For instance, once in the Noodle restaurant Po broke a floorboard so his foot was trapped. It took me and Mr Ping to get him out. He still has a Scar around his ankle because of it.
Before I could reply, I heard voices getting louder, belonging to that of the five and the midget panda. The creak of a wooden oak door signaled that we were not alone.
Out of the corner of my eye, I watched the event unfold as Crane helped my brother get free, before Midget Panda Shifu decided to get Tigress to show him how it was really done.
This is what peaked my interest.
Looking over, I could see the strong muscles ripple beneath her flaming pelt, her eyes flicker golden as she maneuvered in the air with ease. The sun illuminating every single fur on her body, Tigress shattered the two china octagons before landing, causing me to whistle beneath my breath.
I swear this woman can make me feel some strange emotions, and she has control over my body. I mean, my knees go weak from seeing her do things like that, so she must have some form of power. Or, is there something wrong with me? No, doubt it.
It didn't take long for me to shake my thoughts away and walk over to join the group, rubbing my sore knuckles and giving a sly smirk.
"So, master, what are we doing today?" I remark.
Shifu gives me a pointed glare, before replying with something a lot more subtle, "Just training your brother and the five. You can watch, or leave. Your choice. Let's get started."

Lets just say, I'm already bored as hell. Po had been fighting the five, while the rest of us were forced to watch. Well, the five watched willingly, I was the only one who was actually forced due to Tigress' iron grip on my shoulder forcing me to stay still. To the others, it just looked like a mildly friendly gesture, but I think the bruising on my shoulder would say otherwise. Yet I continues to watch my brother get beaten to a pulp again, and again, and again by different members of the five, except for Tigress. I still don't understand this, she's about his height and yet Shifu hasn't pitched them together. To me it doesnt make sense, but I don't know much about these so called masters anyways, or why they act the way they do.
Po had just been beaten for the fifth time by Mantis, and Shifu turns to Tigress and I, knowing we need something to do to keep us sane. "Tigress, you and (Y/N) go over near the ironwood trees and practice whatever you want. Make sure she listens to you. As for damage, don't hurt each other too much." Tigress nods, dragging me over as I snarl at Shifu; he did that on purpose! No one dares call me by that name, did he not listen when we were in the training room!? As I go to get out of Tigress' hold to beat the panda to a pulp, he challenges my brother to a fight. Grabbing Po, he effortlessly swings him around and beats him, pulling at his nose and bending his arm. However, before I could watch any more I was hit across my ear by the tiger in front of me, and she gets into a fighting stance. Fun.

Taking a litlle less than a second to let me get ready, Tigress instantly attacks, trying to get a hit on me with her paws. Once, twice, thrice I get hit, before making my retaliation. Flexing my muscles, I leap into the air and open my arms, loving the feel of the wind in my fur before diving down and landing behind Tigress, doing a low sweeping kick to knock her out ne of her legs out from under her. This prompts her to turn and roundhouse kick me, letting me fly a few feet away.

Before rage kicks in, the sound of the doors flying open grabs our attention, looking over just in time to see Shifu had kicked my brother out of the Palace, and he was bouncing down the steps. Sharing a glance with Tigress, we rush over to watch, stopping side by side. She glares down the steps, watching him bounce over and over again. "If he's smart, he won't come back up those steps."
"But he will" Was the gentle response from Monkey, and an inquisitive one from Viper followed. "He's not going to quit, is he?" She was probably the only one I can stand in this palace at the minute, only because she's genuinely nice to my brother and I. "He's not gonna quit bouncing, I'll tell you that!"
A small laugh, which I quickly realised to be my own, broke the quiet, the Five looking at me as if I had grown two heads. I cover my mouth, before sighing and returning to my normal steely self. "Good joke, but I better go and get him. Hey Po, wait up!" Was the last thing I said before racing down the steps on all fours to get to my brother.

Maybe, just maybe living at the Palace wing be such a bad thing.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2020 ⏰

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