Chapter 4 Some Concepts Of Reincarnation In Early Christianity

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Early Christianity And The Concept Of Reincarnation

One tenant of reincarnation is that, after our life ends and we go through our life review, we go on to a part of the afterlife where we meet with those who were closest to us in life, our friends, family, enemies, etc. All of them then decide if they are to reincarnate again, and you are given the choice of your role this time around. Your sister may want to know what it would be like to be your daughter this time, so you make an agreement. You decide EVERY SINGLE EVENT down to which turn you will make on your way home on may 23rd 2046 after work, or which words you will choose to say to your friend after seeing a movie on june 13th 2099, down to a T, every single second, nay, millisecond, of your next life is decided not by God, but by YOU. If you are a billionaire, you chose that. If you are a homeless junkie addicted to drugs, you chose that. I'm sure ive lost you at this point but hear me out. The reason for this is because every single lifestyle has a lesson to be learned from. If you are Donald Trump, an uber successful billionaire in one life, you've learned that lesson and you now know what that lesson has to teach. So, in your next life, you may decide to be a homeless drug addict. You may decide to die of cancer, or suicide, or live a long healthy life, every single thing that happens to you is YOUR CHOICE and you decide it before you reincarnate. How crazy is that? You know that horrible thing that happened to you that scarred you and gave you PTSD? Well, after your last reincarnation whilst preparing for this one, YOU decided that was going to happen to you so you would learn the lesson that experience would be able to teach you. Of course, anyone would say “No one would choose to die horribly or live as a homeles drug addict or criminal or whatever it might be, even a rape victim!” But you must remember, the state we are in while we are making these preparations, we are not in a human body full of fears, doubts, desire for riches and or opposed to living as a homeless person addicted to drugs. We are in a state of YEARNING FOR ALL KNOWLEDGE THE UNIVERSE OFFERS. We want to learn everything we can and our souls, in this state, are mature enough to understand that each lifetime isn't going to be sunshine and roses. We also know in this state that we will have more than one chance so if we have one horrible lifetime, it won't last long and the next one can be made much better. We also know, in this state, that a lifetime really is the equivalent of about 15 minutes relative to true space time of God’s dimension, so we know this lifetime we choose to be a horribly addicted homeless drug addict who dies of an overdose under awful circumstances would last about as long, relative to Gods space time in the dimension of the afterlife or however you'd like to phrase it, is over in the blink of an eye and for going through this, we gain the empathy for addicts and the homeless we may not have had. We have now gained the understanding of what they go through,what their suffering feels like, so were less likely to judge them or walk past them as they beg for a quarter sitting on the sidewalk because they need a fix. I've known many people who would refuse a homeless panhandler any money because they knew they would spend it on drugs. Well, so what? Who the hell are you? You don't know what they are going through, would you prefer they steal it, rob a bank? Try and commit a robbery that goes wrong and the victim is killed? See, a soul that had gone through living as a homeless addict would not think like this, they would give the money to the addict and instead of judging them and refusing them assistance because they believe themselves better, they would feel empathy or pity for this person, maybe offer to buy them food, some coffee, or give them $20 if they have it, bring them to an AA meeting, whatever it is within their power to do. The person who hasn't gone through that life experience in an incarnation would do as first mentioned, judge, refuse to help, and say something like “Get a job loser”. THIS is the purpose of having a negative incarnation, and this is why our souls must reincarnate in different states and this is why Donald Trump can not reincarnate as Donald Trump every single time. There would be no lesson learned and no knowledge gained.

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