chapter IV Andres

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It didnt take long to figure out that Micah and Felix were going to be a thing.

I silently smiled at them. They were honestly cute together. As long as he didnt try to touch me again.

The next day Jaxson walked up to me with purpose. This wasnt the same Jaxson that I bullied. He was different and it scared me.

My eyes widened and my breathing stopped.

"What are you doing? Get away. Stay AWAY!" I screamed putting my hands up in defense. Thankfully it was just him and a few of his new guy friends. Those girls he always hung around weren't nearby.

He stopped a few feet in front of me. As if knowing. His eyes widened.

We were by the lockers as I backed away and sat in the corner. Eyes wide. Breathing sporadic. Hands up in front of me. My body was shaking and my chest hurt. I felt tears at the brims of my eyes. I didnt even try to hold them back.

"Stay away. Dont touch me. Stay away. Dont touch me. Dont touch me. Dont touch me." I closed my eyes tight as tears started falling. I held my knees close to me. Turning my body so my backside wasnt exposed. My hands close to my chest palms towards them in defense on case someone tried anything.

With one hand I dialed my brother. Of course he quickly answered.

"Hello..." he answered. Even if he was in class he would answer.

"Help. Me." I said voice cracking due to the crying.

"On my way. Where are you?" He said dead serious.

"In front of the lockers." I cried out.

"Is anyone near you?" He asked out of breath. He was running to his car. Getting here as fast as possible.

"Yes." I said crying still. "They're a lot of boys."

"Put me on speaker." He said in a pissed off tone.

"You already are." I answered.


"We are sir." Jaxson answered. "He made that painfully clear to us."

"Good." He answered. "I'll be there in ten minutes. Dont move."

"Yes sir." He answered. They were watching me with curious eyes but all sympathetically.

"What happened?" Jaxson asked me.

I shook my head no vigorously. Eyes wide with tears. I was dead afraid.

"You were the one who bullied me. So why are you like this all of a sudden?" He asked gently. Kneeling a few feet in front of me. My breathing picked up as he inched closer. My feet scooted in closed. He backed away immediately when he saw this action.

He sat there until my brother got there. But thankfully just like my brother said no one else came up. I don't know how he did it but he did. He made sure no one else saw me.

"Its ok my touch doesnt burn remember?" He said as he sat down a few feet in front of me. I shook my head no. He frowned and turned around to glare at them. "What happened? Hes never this bad."

"Nothing we were just walking up to him." Jaxsons friend said in a hurry.

"Were you running or walking fast?" He asked suspiciously. They looked uneasy. My brother sighed knowing he'd have to explain.

"Why? We did nothing wrong. I swear." I think his name was Elijah that was talking frantically.

"Its not you. It's the way you approached him." My brother said sighing turning back around to face me. "Its ok. Remember not all touch hurts."

I nodded shakily trying to stop the tears.

"Dont look at them ok. It's just you and me. Ok? I wont let anyone hurt you." He whispered slowly inching forward. Tears started pouring again.

"But... but..." I started. He knew what was on my mind. My mind went back to that moment. Where I was raped repeatedly again and again with no one around to help.

"He cant hurt you." He whispered holding out his hands waiting for me to meet him half way.

"But they w-will..." I started staring fearfully at Jaxson. "He... he will... will... touch me..."

"I wont let him." He whispered. Right now the flashbacks were merging with reality. The way Jaxson stalked up to me with an expressionless face reminded me of him. There was no way I'd believe he didnt want to touch me.

"Y-yeah he-he will..." I started hyperventilating again.

"How do you know?" He asked softly. I glanced up from my brother to Jaxson.

"H-he walked up to me, and... and looked at me... he wants to..." tears started pouring out of my eyes.

I didnt take my eyes off of Jaxson though. I needed to know where he was at all times.

My brother turned around glared hard before turning around and pulled me into a hug forcefully.

I panicked amd screamed and wiggled trying to get out of his grasp.

"Dont... it... hurts... please... dont... get off... please stop..." I was fighting my brother. My eyes had shut and my mind reeled me back into that room the first night.

"Please... dont touch me. Please... I beg you... it hurts..." my brother was shushing me trying to calm me. But that wasnt what I was hearing.

I heard my dad shushing me. To tell me to be quiet or else.

"I'll be good. Please. I promise." I think my brother finally realized what was happening because he immediately let go and gasped. His eyes widened.

I scrambled back against the wall scraping my back on the wall making it bleed. Tears poured from my eyes as my body started shaking.

"Its me your brother. I won't let him touch you ever again. Ok?" He repeated that three times. Until I finally heard him.

My eyes snapped open. "Brother?"

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