I "hallucinate" because of the tuna casserole on the plane.

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Alyssa POV

"Is someone being tortured in there?" Was I hallucinating from the casserole I had eaten a few hours ago? Even the plane food wasn't that awful.

Then suddenly, the door jolted open. Amadora was curled up on the floor in the fetal position, tied up with a thick rope which looked like it was enough to strangle a grown man. Next to her was a blonde woman with fiery red eyes. She looked like she had come straight from Tartarus itself. Her blonde mane cascaded from the matronlike bun it was previously in, as her lips curled back and she bared her fanglike teeth.

"Don't bother retaliating, child," hissed the woman. She fingered her ruby necklace. I stepped forward to throttle her, but she flicked her wrist in my direction and I froze.

"Gosh, you're pathetic," said the woman in a haughty voice. Her voice made chills run down my spine, the sound was worse than fingernails scratching on the wall. She pointed at the washroom door and it banged shut, locking itself.

"You guys have no idea what's going to happen. Prepare yourselves," she whispered, eyes glowing like fire, "in the end, all of you will fall. It's no use fighting against us, infant. No matter how much reinforcements you gather from the worlds, it will still serve no use. Now if you'll excuse me, I must bid you a hasty farewell. And remember, the next time we see each other, I will not be so lenient." The Lady-sent-from-Tartarus faded without a warning, and the door swung open with a chilling creak. I bent down to untie Amadora.

She sat up, breathing heavily. "Is this Megabox?"

I saw something which caught my eye. "Do hallucinations leave behind jewelry?" I picked up the woman's ruby necklace with the tip of my finger and held it towards the light.

"Oh my Thor," breathed Amadora, eyes growing wider as she began to wheeze in shock. I handed her an airplane sick bag.


Luna, Ama and I got off the plane. Ama and I raced to claim our baggage from the airport terminal, trying (and failing?) to shrug off the feeling that the crazy lady on the plane was following us. Her words echoed in our ears like kids screaming things in the subway tunnels to hear their own voices echo back at them. I turned my head to look back, and I imagined a pair of red eyes boring into my back. I shuddered and forced my legs to keep functioning.

Five minutes later, Luna and I were sitting in the warmer interior of the train. Facing us, a couple and a young blonde took their seats. Amadora was snoring peacefully, her head drooped on Luna's shoulder.

"Listen, Luna. On the plane, I saw something really weird." I told her about the washroom, the magic lady from hell, and Amadora who had been trussed up like a roast pig. I left the Amadora part to the end. That wasn't important.

"What are we going to do?" I fretted.
"Hmmm..." Luna was thinking.
"What are we going to do?" I repeated.

Then I realized Luna was pretending to be sleeping. I whacked her shoulder. "What?" She asked. "Did you hear a single word I said? What are we going to do? We can't call the cops, they'll never believe us!" I said in a strangled voice.

"It's a hoax," Luna chuckled. "And I thought you were the smart one!" She laughed at my visibly triggered face.
I glared at her. "Ask Amadora, she saw it too."

Luna raised her palms in surrender. "Hoaxes are meant to fool a large amount of people. Or maybe Amadora just wanted to play a joke on you and the 'lady from hell'," was just a stupid hologram." I took out the ruby necklace the lady had left behind. I hadn't noticed it before, but their was a note attached to the largest gem in front. I unattached it. "It says, 'Man, I love you, I will give you cookies and cake whenever you want. Sincerely, Mrs Potts.'"

"See? Just a hoax-" began Luna.

Luna laughed at my expression. "Then read the real note," she said, choking on her own snorts and guffaws.

"'You are all fools if you think you can evade this army.'" I raised my head to meet her wary gaze. "That's the note." Suddenly the smell of a butchers store reached my nose, making me gag. I lifted the note to sniff it. The couple sitting across us stared at me, raising their eyebrows when I sniffed the note. I ignored them and kept sniffing. "Smells like blood, this note," I kindly informed Luna. "What? That's so nice and fluffy," she replied, leaning in to inhale the whole note. "I'm sure it's just chicken blood or something. Nothing harmless," she continued, trying to reassure us, but more her than me.

"Totally," I screeched. "I think it's human blood. You'll see when I confirm it.

"No, I do not see. Unlike you, I am not interested in this kind of stuff. Now shut up and sleep."

"Last stop. We're here," I said, shaking Ama and Luna awake. We caught a cab and it took us to our hotel, l'hôtel singe vert, a.k.a. The Green Baboon Hotel. I was quite fond of the name.

"Ama, can you give this letter to that guy over there? Tell him it's for Mademoiselle Franny Maxime. I need to check us in," I said, holding out a letter to where I thought Ama was standing. "Ama?"

But Amadora was nowhere to be found.

Thank you for reading!! Also, here's Ama's look.

I know, I'm really sorry about it being an anime character, I'm not fond of anime myself, but the character art style is pretty cool

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I know, I'm really sorry about it being an anime character, I'm not fond of anime myself, but the character art style is pretty cool. 

Anyway, just imagine her as a not-anime person, okay?


Please feel free to claim the dots as your own and give them nice names. They deserve to be treated well.

Thanks for reading. Signing off, Alyssa Phoenix.

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